Jan17 1 | Page 4

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com With these other areas , such as the brain , I am putting in extra time , as often as I can . I don ’ t expect the success to be easy , I expect it to be the same type of path , with some hours saved just from learning how to learn and how to be more efficient .
If there is something that you want to achieve or become , you need to put in the extra time . There is no way around this fact . It is the barrier to entry for the life you want and really , for the life that anyone wants .
I can assure you this ; the majority of people aren ’ t going to put in the extra time because they haven ’ t been taught the principle of endurance nor have that mastered their energy . It ’ s not about time management , it ’ s about energy management .
You stay up too late watching some dumbass , meaningless tv show ; it ’ s gonna have consequences . It may be that you can ’ t get up an extra hour earlier to work on your craft or it may be that you are so darn tired the next day after arriving home from work that you just crash , without putting in any extra time .
I think you get the point .
If you aren ’ t already doing this , then come play on the other side of the fence with myself and others whom have found our way over here and like a precision surgeon , start to systematically remove those from your life that are content with ‘ staying the same ’ syndrome .
I was lost before I found my mission .
Man on a Mish
Why was I lost ? Because men , by their very nature , are hunters and gatherers . We need something to go hunt . Something to master . Something to conquer . A man without a mission mind as well be a man without testicles .
Does that sound harsh ? Well good , because if it sounds too harsh to you , it probably means it struck a nerve .
And if it did , don ’ t try to run from the fact that you may be living the life of an imposter .
Is this life the one you dreamt of when you were younger ? Or have you submitted your will to the trials of life ? Have you settled for comfort and mediocrity ?
A man without a mission is feminine . Ladies , do not take offense if you happen to be reading this , it will only help your man to become more of a MAN .