Jan17 1 | Page 3

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com Both men said , ‘ Kyle , my son / friend said : man , I wish I could look like Kyle ’. To which they replied , no you don ’ t , otherwise you would do what he does .
I am sure these peeps that said this did not mean they wish they had my actual looks ( I am balding , have white facial hair and am far , far from a ‘ cover model ’ look ). Just the other day , one of the clients guessed that I was 45- years old , which I kind of took as a compliment but I don ’ t think it was intended that way lol .
Rather , what these kids meant was that they wish they could have muscles like me . And wise as my mentors are , they knew that my muscle or strength was just a product of putting in hours upon hours upon years in the gym .
I do not possess superior genetics . But I am a persistent , stubborn person that possesses the trait of endurance . Remember that enthusiasm is easy to come by , endurance is the rare trait amongst women and men .
Going back to what my mentors ’ reply was ; unless one does what the ‘ model ’ does , then no , you don ’ t want to have what the ‘ model ’ has . Success leaves clues .
And unless you are going to follow those clues , then what you are saying you want to be is really just a wish . Wishing and hoping doesn ’ t do anything . Action is where the key lies .
I am a HUGE believer in faith and visualization , but both of those traits without daily , persistent action , are USELESS .
The mentors in my life that have appeared ( when the student is ready , the teacher will appear ) have put in the hustle and are in a constant state of growth . They did put in the extra time to get to where they are .
I put in extra time every day . I am always trying to improve and grow . One part of my life ’ s philosophy is that life is about growth . If you are growing , you are dying , spiritually , mentally and physically .
The very law of momentum states this . I was not a genius when it came to my college courses . However , what I did possess what an insatiable curiosity about the human body . I have put in over 20 years at this point to studying the human body and learning constantly about it and what it can do .
I have not done the calculations , but I can assure you I am many times over the 10,000-hour rule that is required to become world class at a given subject and I have no problem saying that I am one of the world ’ s experts in the human body .
Again , this is not boasting . It is success leaving a clue for you and I . I have many other areas that I am not trying to master such as the human brain . By the way , do you think anyone would believe me if I told them I was an aspiring expert and researcher of neuroscience ? Highly unlikely , but I can ’ t let that stop me .