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www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com will ever meet . They help out around Newell Strength and are fixtures in the community of Newell Strength . The past 4 years have gone by really quickly as time tends to do when you are enjoying the moments , but they are assuredly going to leave a legacy for other athletes at Newell Strength . When we speak to new athletes and talk to the new parents , we use Chris and Luke as the examples of what we want our athletes to embody in heart and spirit . The boys both finished their senior years in football going undefeated before bowing out to one of the top teams in the country in the playoffs . Luke finished with All-Area First team honors and Stark was once again awarded the prestigious Saint Joe ’ s ‘ Maine Man ’ of the year award . Newell Strength is going to be a little bit more ‘ empty ’ next fall with these two boys going off to college . However , the spirit of what they ’ ve given to Newell Strength will live on forever . Thanks for being awesome boys !
Book of the Month : Essays on Masculinity
This was a strange book of sorts but I really dug it . It was written by Mike Cernovich and was a book of his compiled essays on masculinity . The chapter topics ranged from everything such as workouts , to body posture , to family , to relationships and to a man ’ s mission . It was easy reading though because it kept me entertained and wanting for more . Cernovich is an interesting character , lawyer turned author . I was first exposed to him when I listened to his first book , Gorilla Mindset , a few years ago ( which I actually just listened to again ). I recommend this for men and women , yes women too , because it will give you a much greater insight into the men in your life . Men , it never hurts to learn how to be a little more manly .
When ’ s the Last Time You Put in Extra Time ?
How many times have you thought to yourself that you ‘ wished you go be like so and so ’ or you wished ‘ you could look like so and so ’?
Admit it , it ’ s okay to admire others and to have aspirations ( as long as you don ’ t put those other people up on a pedestal ).
Now , please make no mistake about my first example here . I am not boasting or bragging , but merely repeating what a few of my mentors have said to me within the past few months , using myself as an example .