Jan17 1 | Page 10

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To do that , I will continue learning in my speed reading courses ( a book I am finishing and a course from years ago that I have ). I will do this 4x per week . Secondly , I am going to a lot 40 minutes of reading per day . Normally this will begin as part of my morning routine and then I ’ ll get another 20 minutes mid-day or at night .
You see how I am not just wishing to read 60 books ? I have systems that I will implement nearly every day . And by doing my systems , I can be a success every day . If I just left it at 60 books , then I would only feel like I was succeeding at the end of the year when I attained this mark .
I don ’ t know about you , but I ’ d much rather feel like a winner every day rather than just once per year .
There you have it . Plug and play . Or , you can keep your goals hidden between your two ears to play it safe if you are scared of playing big , you choose .
Super Human Traits You Can Implement
I remember a long-ago girlfriend telling me that she didn ’ t understand how my energy was so high all the time .
She would complain about a lack of energy and really , it was a lack of enthusiasm for life as far as I could see .
But until that point , when someone actually brought up my energy levels in a conversation , I had never consciously thought about . I took it for granted .
Everyone ’ s energy SHOULD be abundant , however a look around you and you will see that most people are the walking dead . Mind as well shoot them in the head and be done with it .
Sound harsh ?
Well most people act as if this life is an audition for something else , never realizing that this is it ; this is the big stage , their chance to leave a legacy .
Not to too my own horn , but I can always use myself best as an example because , well , I know myself better than I know anyone else .
Before we venture further , I am not talking about energy in terms of a caffeinated , buzzed up adrenalin junkie , I am talking about a constant vibration of wanting to always pursue excellence and a better life through self-mastery .
Okay , back to the point at hand .