Jan17 1 | Page 11

www . newellstrength . com www . unlockingyourinnerstrength . com The way that I or anyone else keeps their energy high nearly all the time is ANTICIPATION .
If you have nothing to anticipate , you will have a low energy and enthusiasm for life . I anticipate helping people grow and inspiring people with every word I write and nearly every interaction that I have .
That keeps my energy high .
Seems too simple to be the case , but it is indeed the case . So you have to ask yourself what you are anticipating in this coming day , these coming weeks and the upcoming year .
Even if it ’ s as simple as anticipating a constant and never ending improvement day in and day out . And yes , that is possible . When I attended a basketball camp when I was a kid at Villanova University , back in the day , Coach Lappas told us campers that every single time you touch a basketball , you get a minute , fraction of a percent better .
I instantly internalized that , even at a young age to realize that I could and would always apply that thinking to every area of my life .
Another hint there … You are a student , always and forever and the world is your classroom .
I have also , crazy as it may seem , believed that I had super human or super hero powers . Not like flying around powers , but powers of the mind because I know how powerful it can be .
For example , when I blew out my patellar tendon , I practiced visualizing Superman like healing abilities every day . Call it what you will , but I know in my heart that it helped me heal at a super human pace .
But another big thing or trait in my super human arsenal is consistency . I share that with you because YOU have it too . Talent is God-given , consistency is something you develop .
I am not the most talented nor am I the best at anything ; but I am stubbornly , consistent S . O . B .
And you can do this without being boastful or arrogant about it . If you are braggadocios with this stuff , it ’ s a false energy waiting to leave you crashing and burning .
The eternal lamp of life energy can only be found through a juice for life ( anticipation ) and in being a constant student .
When I compete in my mind against anyone I work out with , I don ’ t talk shit , I merely let them set the bar and then I beat it , or I will die trying .