Jan 2024 | Page 3

Consider joining the program , which helps promote security and safety
Pamplin Media Group January 2024 3

Why Neighborhood Watch ? Why now ?

Consider joining the program , which helps promote security and safety

Most residents have heard about Neighborhood Watch . Some may even have participated or do now . Unfortunately , many do not fully understand the value of having a Neighborhood Watch program . The program has been around since 1972 , and has evolved into a valuable tool for citizens and law enforcement by improving communication between residents and local agencies . The program consists of small groups or blocks of neighbors who make an effort to be informed and look out for each other .
Doesn ’ t Charbonneau have Neighborhood Watch ?
Some homeowners associations within Charbonneau have active Neighborhood Watch groups . However , even those may have areas without representation . The best scenario is to have small groups that look out for each other and share information . This could be groups of 15 or so homes , where residents can keep an eye out for each other , along with having each other ’ s contact information . The goal is to create awareness . Participants get to know each other , learn what the rhythm of life looks like in their area , what activities are ‘ normal ,’ and what may be of concern in their neighborhood . They share contact information with each other and receive information from law enforcement through a block captain .
Neighborhood Watch helps participants reduce their risk of becoming victims of crimes . This is because the program is designed to educate residents on hardening the target ( your homes and community ), create safety plans , watch out for each other and recognize suspicious activities .
Once problems or issues have been identified , it facilitates a fast and clear path for reporting . The program teaches you what information matters most when reporting to the police and helps you receive feedback in an organized manner .
The Neighborhood Watch Program addresses specific concerns in your neighborhood . It is intended to be an ongoing activity to help you and your neighbors get the most relevant information quickly and provide you the confidence that you know what to do and who to contact in an emergency ( when seconds matter ). And another benefit is that you have the opportunity to really get to know some of your closest neighbors and create new social experiences .
Another aspect is what I will term the ‘ Walker program .’ Do you regularly go for walks through the neighborhood ? Do you walk a dog ? If so , you play a valuable role in keeping this community safe . This is because you know your community , and if something doesn ’ t look right . Anything that is different or out of place should get a second look . It doesn ’ t mean that anything is wrong , but you should watch until you determine that it is OK . If you can ’ t place the behavior into the ‘ OK Column ,’ report it .
Is there a crime problem in Charbonneau ?
Charbonneau is a beautiful , safe community ; let ’ s keep it that way . We would like to increase the number of Neighborhood Watch participants in Charbonneau because the more involvement we have , the more information we can share with each other . Our goal is not to cause fear , or spy on each other , but to provide information that gives you insight and confidence in what is happening where you live .
The New Year is a time to reflect and to plan . Please consider making one of your New Year ’ s resolutions to get involved and help strengthen Charbonneau ’ s Neighborhood Watch program to ensure 2024 will indeed be a happy , safe New Year .
We would like to extend the invitation to each resident to join your HOA Neighborhood Watch program ; if you do not have one , contact Neil at the country club and we will endeavor to help get one started in your own neighborhood .