Jan 2024 | Page 2

Survey deadline is extended
2 January 2024 Pamplin Media Group

CCC President ’ s Corner


Get to know board member Mary Fieweger

The new year is a time of reflection , renewal and fresh beginnings . It ’ s a time to look back on the past year and celebrate all that we have accomplished , both personally and as a community .
SHEVLIN We also look forward to the
future with hope and excitement . Here are some activities to get excited about in Charbonneau in the new year :
Fireside Chat Jan . 10 – Join us at 7 p . m . in the Activity Center . At press time , the working title for the event is “ Communication : How the Charbonneau Board of Directors does it , and how we can do better .” Board members will be present to answer questions and listen to ideas at the close of the program . Come to the meeting , we are here to listen and learn .
Refreshments will be served .
The Lounge – Formerly the old conference room in the Clubhouse , the Lounge has been transformed into a table-sports room with a pub-like atmosphere . A new shuffleboard table was added last month , joining the billiards and ping pong tables , along with a dart board . Soon after the first of the year , you will be able to peruse through the Charbonneau history display adjacent to the lounge . We now have a door that takes you directly to the Market Café so grab a slice of pizza and a drink and shoot some pool or play shuffleboard . There is plenty of fun for all generations .
Bocce Ball – Bocce originated in Italy , and involves players tossing or rolling balls at a smaller target ball within the confines of a court . Players compete to see who can toss their ball closest to the target to score points . It ’ s a game that can be played by young and old alike . Charbonneau ’ s bocce ball courts were installed in Edith Green Park last fall , and a few residents have been enjoying the game . Look for sign-ups for Bocce leagues beginning in the spring . Don ’ t know how to play ? Not to worry , lessons will be part of the league development .
Covered Sports Courts – We should be able to see the building over the outside tennis and pickleball courts taking shape soon after the
first of the year . We have had a few permitting hiccups with the city of Wilsonville , but the project is on track to be completed this spring . Be sure to sign up for your pickleball or tennis membership ; it ’ s easy to reserve a court and meet your Charbonneau friends for a fun game .
Over the next several months , I will highlight our new CCC board directors . Each one of our directors volunteer countless hours to make Charbonneau the best community it can be . Their attendance at monthly board meetings is only the tip of the iceberg compared to all of the behind-the-scenes work they do . Mary Fieweger joined the board in May , 2023 . Her father was in the US Army , so Mary was born in Linz , Austria to a large family with nine children . Back in the states , she was raised in South Bend , Indiana , where she met Joe at the University of Notre Dame . They ’ ve been married for 52 years and have three adult children and five grandkids . After moving out west and settling in West Linn , Mary went to work selling apartments at Springridge on the Charbonneau campus while it was still under construction . They retired in Charbonneau in part because she and Joe are avid golfers . Mary reports that she has had two holes-in-one after playing golf for only three years ! Soon after moving here , she and Joe became impressed with the management of the community , from the board , to the
staff and events , to the HOA support . Anyone who has met Mary knows that she loves to bake . Committee meetings , social gatherings , you name it , Mary will bring something tasty to share . Other hobbies include coordinating fundraising events for nonprofit organizations and reading , often two-to-three historical books about World War II each month . Mary ’ s responsibilities on the Charbonneau board includes the management of the Welcome Committee . Her goal is to create opportunities and identify activities for all Charbonneau residents to enjoy . She facilitates monthly meet-and-greet gatherings with new residents , giving them the opportunity to meet others , become familiar with the community , and chat with members of the CCC board . Mary helps new residents find their way around and encourages them to get involved . You can bet that Mary brings her special baked treats to the meetings . Even if you have lived in Charbonneau for awhile , drop in to say “ hello .” Look for Mary in the Activity Center at 10 a . m . on the third Friday of each month .
The new year looks to bring many opportunities to Charbonneau residents . Now is the time to look forward to the future and all that it can bring . Whatever you choose to do , make sure it ’ s something that brings you joy and fulfillment . Happy New Year !

Your voice matters

Survey deadline is extended

The deadline for submitting a survey that will help shape the Charbonneau Country Club ’ s vision for the next couple decades has been extended to Jan . 7 .
The link for the digital version of the survey :
https :// www . surveymonkey . com / r / KKKZ5MJ . Please visit the reception desk if you would like to fill out a physical form . Help is available if you have questions . Your participation is appreciated in continuing to make Charbonneau the amazing place it is . Thank you !
The deadline for the 2040 survey has been extended .
J . Brian Monihan Publisher bmonihan @ pamplinmedia . com
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Kstephens @ pamplinmedia . com
( 503 ) 479-2378
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A Publishing Partnership ...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club and the Pamplin Media Group .
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Jesse Marichalar Jessem @ Pamplinmedia . com | 971-204-7774
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We want to hear about it . Corey Buchanan cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com | ( 503 ) 479-2378
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