Constituted of six dimensions , the Agenda seeks to globalise the IR discipline . This article will first define International Relations , linking a broad definition to the root of Eurocentrism within the discipline . It provides three reasons as to how Eurocentrism remains a problem for the IR discipline . It will then outline the six dimensions of the Global IR Agenda : ( i ) pluralistic universalism ; ( ii ) a grounding in world history ; ( iii ) integration of Western and non-Western theories ; ( iv ) integration of regionalism and area studies ; ( v ) renouncing of exceptionalism ; ( vi ) and recognising multiple forms of agency . A brief evaluation of the Agenda suggests there are at least five potential obstacles for Global IR . The objective of this article is to promote the Global IR Agenda in its attempt to make the IR discipline more inclusive for ideas , scholars , and regions .
The housing response to new refugee flows in the Netherlands | Sophie Colebourne , Human Geography , Year 3 ( Level 6 )
To-date , little research has been conducted regarding the governance of long-term housing solutions for refugees . As such , a critical gap remains within academia . This research aims to investigate the importance of housing governance for new refugees in the Netherlands , with a specific focus on the region of Amsterdam . With a pre-existing tight housing market , upon increased refugee flows from 2015 , the city struggled to deal with the challenge of accommodating such numbers of newcomers . By 2016 , a significant backlog had formed , with many status holders waiting years in reception centres to be housed elsewhere in the Netherlands . This topic thus warrants greater insight , and will seek to critically examine the nature of housing responses in Amsterdam , identifying a range of stakeholders involved in governance and the formation of networks and issues surrounding common discourse with which to analyse current housing solutions . Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 key stakeholders in order to gain a deeper insight into these governance processes . The resulting findings concluded that whilst Amsterdam ’ s institutional presence has resulted in the establishment of effective networks and a common agenda , challenges remain in interactions between institutions and user communities . In order to address these issues , multistakeholder collaboration is essential , alongside knowledge distribution and training amongst providers in order to establish a common discourse . Whilst funding disparities between the national and local level pervade , increased collaborative practices would help to narrow these issues . Amsterdam ’ s pragmatic approach to developing housing solutions during the European refugee ‘ crisis ’ has resulted in promising examples of best practice from which other European countries may look to guide future solutions with .
Trolling and Endorsement of Lying in relation to the Dark Triad on Dating Sites | Eleanor Grogan , Psychology , Year 2 ( Level 5 )
Research has shown the characteristics of the Dark Triad traits ; Machiavellianism , Narcissism and Psychopathy , however little research has been done to show how these traits influence behaviour on dating sites . This research aimed to investigate the associations between these traits regarding the endorsement of lying and trolling on dating sites , using survey research methods . The hypotheses predicted that each Dark Triad Trait would be positively associated with endorsement of lying and trolling ; an additional point being that psychopathy would be most highly associated with trolling out of the three traits . These hypotheses were fully supported in the findings .
Emergence of highly antibiotic resistant ‘ Superbugs ’ and the implications of antibiotic resistance | Gurniak Johal , Physics , Year 2 ( Level 5 )
Antibiotic resistance is the immunity of bacteria to drugs designed to kill them . Bacterial strains known as ‘ Superbugs ’, such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ), have resistance to several different antibiotics , making their infections extremely difficult to treat ( NHS , 2020 ). Procedures such as organ transplants carry high infection risks and therefore rely on the use of effective antibiotics ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 2020 ). The consequences for patients with resistant
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