JADE Student Edition 2020 October 2020 | Page 8

infections are ‘ increased mortality , longer hospital stays , and increased healthcare costs ’ ( Berger et al ., 2011 ; Davey et al ., 2011 ).
Keywords : Antibiotics , Superbugs , Bacteria , Overuse
The Chemiluminescent imaging of blood on washed cotton and polyester fabrics | Duwaraga Manoharan , Natural Sciences , Year 3 ( Level 6 )
Luminol is a sensitive test that emits a blue light when in contact with blood . This reaction , known as chemiluminescence , was utilised in this study to test luminol sensitivity on 60 100 % cotton and 60 100 % polyester swatches measuring 10cm by 10cm . All samples were washed once , twice or thrice with non-biological or biological laundry gels , air-dried , sprayed with luminol and photographed in a dark room . Blood was detected on all 60 blood-stained swatches regardless of washing patterns or laundry gels . The 60 unstained controls did not produce chemiluminescence thus making luminol an important test for blood in crime scenes .
Using CRISPR / CAS9 to investigate the relationship between genes and human disease | Mevin Philip , Biochemistry ( Single Honours ), Year 2 ( Level 5 )
CRISPR / CAS 9 system is a revolutionary molecular method which can be used to make precise and accurate edits within the human genome . CRISPR continues to be an instrumental technique used in the Department of Biochemistry , within Genomics . Such type of genomic editing has been used to analyse the relationship with gene expression and cardiac abnormalities in newborns . MYBPC3 gene ( associated with familial dilated cardiomyopathy ), had successfully been altered using CRISPR . This method can be used to examine inherited genetic and degenerative diseases within newborn babies . This paper will review how CRISPR is administered in humans with emphasis on neonatal interventions .
Neurodiverse Rebellion in Young Adult Fiction : Something Beneath The Surface ? | Shaina Paggett , English and History , Year 3 ( Level 6 )
On one end of the young adult character scale , you have the ‘ rebellious teen .’ On the other , you have the ‘ rule follower .’ The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime ’ s Christopher Boone and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close ’ s Oskar Schell are , initially , typical ‘ rule-following ’ characters believed to be autistic .
Whilst straying from their routines may be seen by their peers as normal , healthy moves towards independence , this paper seeks to unpack the added complexities that neurodiversity brings to young adult rebellion . In a world where even the ordinary can be scary , can the extraordinary do more harm than good ?