JSLUG 2020 Abstracts
The effect of sensory stimulation combined with mirror box therapy on fine dexterity of the hand : Mobilisation and Tactile Stimulation ( MTS ) | Victoria Andrews , Physiotherapy , Year 3 ( Level 6 )
Looking into the effect of Mobilisation and Tactile stimulation ( MTS ) with mirror box therapy on fine dexterity of the hand . We tested 15 subjects with normal hand function . The 9 Hole Peg Test ( 9HPT ) was performed , timed in seconds , on each hand , MTS was given for 15 minutes on the non-dominant hand and then the 9HPT was performed again on both hands . On average , time taken for the 9HPT increased in both hands . T-test results on the non-dominant hand were not statistically significant . MTS may affect fine dexterity of the hand , but more research is needed to be fully conclusive .
Contagious Laughter in a Virtual Reality context | Megan Burkinshaw , Bsc English and Psychology , Year 3 ( Level 6 )
A study to find whether contagious laughter occurs in a VR setting . The aim of the study is to find the effect on contagious laughter depending on the gender of the group the participant is surrounded with in relation to the participants ’ own gender . The prediction is that people will laugh more contagiously in the presence of their own gender ( in-group ) but most in the presence of a mixed gender group . This study will inform us about how the phenomenon of contagious laughter is affected by using a VR methodology and to test VR as a methodology in social psychology .
The Six Dimensions of Global International Relations | Iona Clayton , International Relations and Politics , Year 2 ( Level 5 )
How global is International Relations really ? The discipline of International Relations ( IR ) has long been criticised for its Eurocentric foundations and perspectives . At the International Studies Association ( ISA ) Convention in 2014 , the ISA President , Amitav Acharya , promoted the novel Global IR agenda .