JADE Anatomical Sciences in Medical Education and Research (Special Edition) | Page 44

Table 1 . Sample questions from the reflective essay and feedback questionnaires .
Reflective Essay Questions
Describe what value - if any - that the haptico-visual observation and drawing workshop added to your learning ? Explain if the HVOD method helped you understand the humerus differently ?
Describe the differences – if any – between the mental image of the humerus obtained by the HVOD method , and that obtained by looking at specimens ? Describe which features of the humerus were best appreciated through the haptic observation ? When you close your eyes and recall a mental image of the humerus , describe the degree of clarity of that image ? Feedback Questionnaire I enjoyed participating in the HVOD method workshop The HVOD method is easy to master The HVOD method helped me understand the 3D form of the observed humerus The HVOD method is more effective than digital 3D applications
I believe that observing / exploring anatomical specimens with my sense of touch is important for learning anatomy I will be using the HVOD method as a learning tool in future anatomy and other courses
Questionnaire data were first imported into Microsoft Excel version 16.59 spreadsheets ( Microsoft Corp ., Redmond , WA ), then transferred into the Statistical Package for Social Scientists ( SPSS ), version ( 190 ) ( IBM Corp ., Armonk , NY ). Demographics , and student responses on the closed-ended questions on the feedback questionnaire are presented as percentages . Likert statements representing similar questions were grouped . The degree of agreement on individual and group of statements was obtained by calculating the mean and standard deviation of the rating scores . Mean scores < 1 represent strong disagreement , 1-2 represent disagreement , 2-3 represent neutral response , 3-4 represent agreement , > 4 represent strong agreement . The internal consistency of each group was measured by Cronbach ’ s alpha . Thematic analysis was conducted on participants ’ responses on the reflective essay . Responses were coded , similar codes were grouped together , and themes were generated based on the observed code patterns .


Thirteen students participated in the 2-day HVOD workshop . Twelve participants completed both the reflective essay and feedback questionnaires , with a response rate of 92.32 %. One participant did not complete any of the questionnaires , therefore , was not included in the analysis .
Participants had a mean age of 28 ( 6.35 ), and majority of them were female ( 66.7 %). Majority of students had a Bachelor ’ s degree ( 91.7 %), with one student with postgraduate degree ( 8.3 %). Demographics are presented in Table 2 .