Figure 5 . A screenshot from the workshop showing a participant haptically observing and drawing the humerus .
Participant opinions were sought through reflective essay and feedback questionnaires . The reflective essay questionnaire was disseminated to participants immediately following the workshop and included 21 questions about their experience with the HVOD method . Three weeks following the workshop , participants were asked to complete a feedback questionnaire that included demographics , open and closed-ended questions , and Likert-type statements addressing the value that the HVOD method added to their learning and after to their learning and its usability in anatomical and other learning contexts . Likert-type statements were rated using a five-point scale ( 1 = strongly disagree , 2 = disagree , 3 = neither agree nor disagree , 4 = agree , and 5 = strongly agree ).
The feedback questionnaire was released three weeks after the workshop to allow students the opportunity to apply the HVOD method to other learning situations . Both qualitative instruments were disseminated through Microsoft Forms . Example questions from both questionnaires can be found in Table 1 .