Table 2 . Demographics expressed in frequencies and percentages . This is based on the feedback questionnaire .
Gender |
Frequency (%) |
Male |
4 ( 33.3 ) |
Female |
8 ( 66.7 ) |
Total |
12 |
Qualifications |
Bachelor ’ s degree |
11 ( 91.7 ) |
Postgraduate degree |
1 ( 8.3 ) |
Total |
12 |
Subject of the highest degree completed |
Medicine / Health and Life Sciences |
3 ( 25 ) |
Science |
2 ( 16.67 ) |
Anatomy / Anatomical Sciences |
2 ( 16.67 ) |
Anthropology |
1 ( 8.3 ) |
Others |
4 ( 33.3 ) |
Total |
12 |
To understand how the HVOD method could aid participants ’ understanding of anatomy , we used a reflective essay targeting different aspects of their HVOD experience was used . Participants ' responses on the easy were first code . Five themes were identified : participant perception of the HVOD method , knowledge gain , concept formation , facilitators of learning , and difficulties of learning with the HVOD method .
Participant perception of the HVOD method
It can be inferred from the responses that the HVOD method was positively perceived by participants and was believed to be a valuable , enjoyable , and interactive learning tool .
“ I found the course to be of great value , I thought that we really got to understand the Humerus Bone , I really did get to understand the space between the greater and lesser tubercles , where ligaments are located and where muscles attach .”
“ I found it very useful and an interesting method of learning . I believe this level of knowledge or understanding of anatomy would have huge benefits in the clinical workplace . From an education basis it was also interesting method of teaching anatomy .”
“ It makes the studying process more interactive and fun by integrating the senses ( touch and sight ) and allowing the students to be creative and explore the structure in a way that suits best for them .”
When compared with conventional methods , mixed opinions were observed . Few participants believed the HVOD method to be equivalent to conventional means , but most believed it was more effective .
“ I think if I observed any structure for that long without applying the method , I would obtain the same results . I don ' t think there would be any differences if we got the same amount of time for both .”
“ By looking at specimens and holding specimens I think you get mostly the same detail as by the HVOD method .”
“ This method prioritises structure and shape in a 3-dimensional nature rather than visual memorisation in standard anatomical views .”
“ With the HVOD method you are required to use your fingers to touch and rub all the different nooks and crannies and then use that feedback and your visual feedback to draw on a page . This gives you a much greater appreciation to the volume and mass ”