Theta Iota Omega Participates and Assists for MLK Day of Service
West Hempstead , NY – Theta Iota Omega Chapter received overwhelming support from chapter members and extended community partners during the annual MLK Day of Service . Sorors participated in the community service project and included the chapter ' s # CAP SM students . Their mission was to create personal care packages for military personnel overseas and for the Mary Brennan Inn , a local charity . Collectively , the chapter distributed a total of 224 packages ( 112 / per volunteer opportunity ). This total was met through the generous giving from sorors including , but not limited to , more than 159 bottles of shampoo / conditioner , 143 bars of soap , 83 toothbrush kits , 104 tubes of toothpaste , 193 pairs of socks , 176 male undergarments and hundreds of sanitary products for females .
Theta Iota Omega members and Basileus Nkenge W . Gilliam ( center ) are shown at MLK Day of Service .
# CAP SM students and chapter sorors wrote inspirational cards placed within the packages , with special thank you notes for our servicemen and women . Members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity , Inc . ® also donated toiletry items and assisted chapter sorors in creating the care packages . Theta Iota Omega ' s dedication to service and community , along with the efforts of community partners , truly reflected Dr . King ' s dream and legacy .
Pi Iota Omega Registers Voters / Fights Voter Suppression
White Plains , NY – The chapter ' s connection committee along with New York connection coordinators , worked to help make the difference during the elections . Members of Pi Iota Omega Chapter joined the volunteer community to work in midst of a pandemic to make a change . It was important to register new voters by writing letters to independent and unregistered voters . Additionally , members participated in townhalls and political webinars to be informed and get accurate information which was shared on social media platforms . Pi Iota Omega will continue to ensure everyone has a voice by monitoring and advocating for policies that impact urban communities which includes voting rights and voter suppression .
Tau Delta Omega Finds Success Through Virtual Access
Chester , PA – Tau Delta Omega Chapter celebrated frontline workers and grateful for the opportunity to provide them with lunch . The chapter collaborated with local businesses to carry out this “ Lunchline for The Frontline ” initiative . Tau Delta Omega ' s # CAP SM program celebrated its 2020 high school graduates . The pandemic forced us to get creative with a drive-by caravan full of balloons , banners and gift baskets , to leave at each student ' s home . In observance of AKA Impact Day , the chapter ' s breast cancer survivors were recognized , and publicized and the chapter distributed information and statistics to highlight the importance of breast health . " Care for the Caregiver " was yet another virtual community opportunity presented by the chapter . This program presented a holistic approach to self-care , sharing strategies and techniques that aid those who find themselves with the responsibility of being a caregiver . During the holidays members of the chapter sponsored " Healing Through the Holidays : Coping with Grief and Loss ." This free event provided ways to cope and promote healing , to those attempting to deal with life altering experiences .
Epsilon Sigma Omega Hosts 13th Annual AKA Energy Forum
Harrisburg , PA – Epsilon Sigma Omega Chapter and AKA Foundation of Central Pennsylvania , Inc ., leveraged their collective expertise , insights , and resources to present the 13th Annual AKA Energy Forum . The event showcased three moderated panels , 13 expert guests , energy saving video tips provided by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity , Inc . - Zeta Theta Lambda Chapter , Pennsylvania Power and Light and UGI . A wealth of valuable informational sources , the latest in energy news and public policy and gift prizes estimated at more than $ 1,000 were shared with attendees . The AKA Energy Forum is the longest-running event of its kind in the region . The forum was well attended , and plans are in the works for next year . The expert panelist was moderated by chapter members Gladys Brown Dutrieuille , Esq ., chairman , PA PUC , Susan Simms Marsh , Esq ., deputy general counsel , Pennsylvania American Water and Cheryl Walker Davis , Esq ., founder and president of the Harrisburg Chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy . The expert panelists also represented public , private and non-profit energy organizations . The AKA Energy Forum is the brainchild and legacy of the late Soror Verdina Showell , Esq . a beloved community and civil servant . Her passion and commitment to energy education , conservation and legislation continues to fuel this event .
Phi Beta Omega Sponsors Nurse-Family Partnership Program
North Wales , PA – Phi Beta Omega Chapter , Soror Nia N . Campbell , basileus partnered with Einstein Medical Center Montgomery ( EMCM ) in sponsoring the Nurse-Family Partnership Program . We donated 136 pairs of lounge pants to provide comfortable attire for first-time mothers who live in Montgomery County . This initiative falls under program Target 2 : Women ' s Healthcare and Wellness and Target 3 : Building Your Economic Legacy . Soror Deidre Patterson is the program chairman and Soror Vanessa Wafula is the project leader for this effort . The Nurse-Family Partnership works by having specially trained nurses regularly visit young ,
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