Rho Xi Omega Promotes HBCU ’ s
Pikesville , MD – Rho Xi Omega Chapter loves HBCUs , especially the four in Maryland , Bowie , Coppin and Morgan State Universities and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore ( UMES ). The chapter celebrated HBCU Impact Week with activities for chapter members and the community . In partnership with our EAF committee , an information session was conducted for chapter members on " Navigating the EAF Website ." Sorors were encouraged to make EAF donations and we exceeded our goal of $ 4,000 . We had a social media campaign where members posted pictures and comments on the following : making donations to your favorite HBCU ; HBCU memories ., HBCU / AKA trivia , and throw back Thursday photos . Rho Xi Omega held virtual ambassador / recruitment training sessions with the admissions and recruitment departments from Coppin State University , Morgan State University and UMES . Approximately 40 alumni , sorors and supporters were trained to assist these institutions in promoting their schools to alumni and the community . In collaboration with Target 4-The Arts , a virtual movie night featuring The Great Debaters starring Denzel Washington was held , after which the 45 participants shared in very lively discussions . The week culminated with a virtual homecoming party . Rho Xi Omega collaborated with our undergraduate chapter , Lambda Beta ( Towson State University ).
Omega Psi Omega Hosts Voter Education Talk
Omega Psi Omega hosted a live virtual panel on Zoom with conversation on the power of voting .
Elizabeth , NJ – Omega Psi Omega Chapter partnered with Girl Trek ' s Black Girl Justice League and When We All Vote to host a virtual voter education / registration titled " Real Talk : A Conversation with Maya Rockeymoore Cummings on Voter Registration , Education and Beyond ." Dr . Cummings is a political consultant and widow of Congressman Elijah Cummings . Moderated by Soror Rachelle Dickerson , the focus of the program was to register voters , educate voters on why voting matters and discuss the future of voter enfranchisement within the black community . The event was live on the social media pages of both hosts , boasting an audience of over 1.6M , for the hour discussion . Dr . Cummings provided an overview of voter suppression and the power of voter engagement . She explained how voting affects every aspect of our daily lives , from education to community services to congressional representation . Event attendees received a discount on the final book that Congressman Cummings ' penned before his death , titled We Are Better Than This . The event ended with a Q & A session and a call to action to not just vote , but also encouraging black women to run for office . Black Girl Justice League , the largest 2020 voter mobilization effort led by black women , is part of Girl Trek , the largest public health non-profit for black women with over 1 million neighborhood walkers inspired to practice self-care and community engagement . When We All Vote
is the voter registration and engagement vehicle founded by First Lady Michelle Obama . The synergy between the three organizations proved to be a fruitful one , with plans for future collaborations in 2021 .
Beta Alpha Omega Celebrates Kwanzaa with the Community
Newark , NJ – Beta Alpha Omega Chapter Community Service Committee celebrated Kwanzaa with a celebration on Zoom and Facebook live . The program included the history of the holiday ; an in-depth explanation of the seven principles of Kwanzaa and how they are celebrated throughout the week ; live African drumming ; and dramatic virtual storytelling featuring two African stories - Anansi and The Hat-Shaking Dance and Mufaro ' s Beautiful Daughters . Members of the committee explained the seven principles of Kwanzaa ( Nguzo Saba ) -Umoja ( unity ), Kujichagulia ( self-determination ), Ujima ( collective work and responsibility ), Ujamaa ( cooperative economics ), Nia ( purpose ), Kuumba ( creativity ), and Imani ( faith ). The committee members made creative use of the virtual platform and to keep the attendees engaged , the program featured poll questions throughout , and prizes awarded to the winners of the poll questions . The program provided interaction through the use of poll questions to engaged the audience was and it also served as an opportunity to gift prizes to the winners of the polls . Soror Dana Harris chaired the committee and 19 other chapter sorors volunteered for the event .
Rho Gamma Omega Hosts Happy Hour Fundraiser
Soror Dana Harris , community service committee chairman , and Soror Nicole Fisher participated in a dramatic storytelling during the Kwanzaa celebration .
South Orange , NJ – Rho Gamma Omega Chapter ' s charitable arm , The Legacy of Ivy and Pearls , Inc . and Vanguard Theatre Company partnered
The Arts ! committee chairs , Kathy Carter and Da ' Cheray Thomas Ruth and Basileus Recia Howard along with other Rho Gamma Omega members are featured on the virtual Happy hour fundraiser .
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