Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 82

current and former chapter members , and Central Region ' s Clusters 6 and 7 . Representatives from the Divine 9 , local masonic orders , African American Museum , NAACP , State Street Baptist Church , and honorees were present . Mayor Bruce Wilkerson presented the chapter with a Bowling Green / Warren County proclamation . Soror Anna Moore showcased a duet of herself in two-part harmony . She was shown as the recipient of the HBCU Hidden Figure Award and Housing Authority Director Mr . Abraham Williams as the HBCU Community Ambassador Award winner . Charter member and Fisk University Professor Shirley Rainey-Brown ' s message used the theme , " Strength of the Ivy : 35 Years of Sisterhood ." The chapter pictorial history was an added treat , including the 13 living charter sorors . They received a tribute and a personal keepsake during the memorial tribute for 10 Ivies Beyond the Wall , including six charter members . The debutantes received recognition as the pandemic prevented their scheduled cotillion . This chartering celebration began with greetings from Soror Barbara Pollock and ended with remarks by Soror Tamara Glass concerning voting , the census , and HBCU Impact Day .
Beta Omega Omega Recognized
Paducah , KY – Beta Omega Omega Chapter was selected as one of the first ten organizations to benefit from 15 million dollars donated by philanthropist Mackenzie Scott and founder of 116 Organizations Driving Change to West Kentucky Community and Technical College . The college was selected based on its President , Dr . Anton Reece , for providing additional diversity , equity , and inclusion opportunities for low-income and disenfranchised students . The chapter was selected for its outstanding commitment to being an agent of change since 1939 , providing service to the college and the community . This donation enabled the chapter ' s # CAP SM scholarship program to provide an additional $ 2000 to students enrolling in college . Over $ 7000 in scholarships was presented to # CAP SM students this year . In addition to scholarships , each student was presented with a tool kit for college . The remaining funds from the 116 Organizations Driving Change will aid community educational programs .
Omicron Eta Omega Hosts Juneteenth Celebration
St . Louis , MO – Omicron Eta Omega Chapter hosted its 1st Juneteenth celebration , which was a success . This Black Excellence-filled celebration was a collaboration among several committees . Through the cooperation with the Global Impact and Connection Committees , our Global Impact partner Welcome Neighbors St . Louis and the University City Business District , we promoted Black-owned businesses with gift card giveaways to the following businesses : Burger 809 , Sweetheads ( natural hair and body products ), and Main Stain Premium Wash , a Black-owned car wash . The celebration also included performances from several Black artists in spoken word , West African drumming , dance , remarks from two members of our adopted RAAP families , and music performed by chapter member Soror Ife Jacobs . The artists were amazing , the celebration was enriching , and we were beaming with Black pride .


Mu Omega Omega Donates Masks for Women ' s History Month
Aurora , CO – Mu Omega Omega Chapter Basileus Soror Evetta McMillian- Walker had the honor of representing the chapter during the Valiant Women of the Region event , celebrating the many incredible women and elected officials from across the Colorado region . Denver Mayor Michael Hancock ' s office distributed 700,000 masks for Women ' s History Month to businesses and organizations run by women during the event . Mu Omega Omega was given 125,000 masks to distribute within Colorado . Sorors were elated to donate the masks to the following organizations : Family Resource Pavilion , Shiloh House , Victim Advocacy Services , Community College of Aurora , Colorado Coalition for the Homeless , and the DAWN clinic .
Epsilon Nu Omega sorors accept the check from the Hunger Relief Fund . Left to right : Soror Kerri Fields , Soror Anita West-Berry , Soror Nicole McWright , and Soror Sharon Hicks ( Basileus ).
Epsilon Nu Omega Closes Hunger Gap
Denver , CO – Epsilon Nu Omega Chapter decided to accept the challenge to help eradicate food deserts and related health morbidities in impoverished African American communities . Soror Anita West-Berry acted and wrote a grant on behalf of the chapter under the leadership of Basileus Sharon L . Hicks . The chapter received the $ 5,000 grant from the Colorado Covid-19 Emergency Hunger Relief Fund . These funds will create a community vegetable garden where sorors , children , and elders work together to make food to sustain a community . Epsilon Nu Omega will partner with Hallett Academy Elementary School , Allen Gardens Senior Housing , and Shorter Community A . M . E . Church to harvest vegetables in the fall . In addition , Epsilon Nu Omega established a partnership with Colorado State University , Big Green Colorado , and Hallett Academy through this opportunity . These partnerships will provide funding , architectural structures , and curriculum to support sustainability in schools . Additionally , cooking and nutritional classes will teach the community to develop healthy eating habits . Epsilon Nu Omega is excited to provide service to all mankind by ensuring healthy living and community outreach .
Xi Tau Omega Participates in a Virtual Founders ' Day
Kansas City , MO – Xi Tau Omega Chapter members showed up with over 100 members to celebrate their Founders Day historical virtual event wearing " Chucks and Pearls ." This was an event to remember for years
80 I vyL eaf Centennial edition ® fall 2021