Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 78

South Central

Phi Alpha Omega Hosts Global Impact Weekend
Bentonville , AR – Phi Alpha Omega Chapter hosted a weekend of Global Impact programming in conjunction with the Tea Rose Foundation of Northwest Arkansas ( TRF ), presented Arkansas Immigrant Defense , Canopy NWA , and Ozark Literacy Council representatives with monetary donations totaling $ 1,200 to support immigration , resettlement and literacy work with local refugees . The grants funded legal aid services and the purchase of refugee welcome kit items and ESL training equipment . Target 5 Chairman , Soror Margaret Clark , stated , " A major concern for our chapter is to help reflect in NWA a welcoming and nurturing community for refugees ." Soror Myra McKenzie-Harris , the chapter basileus , also noted , " We have excellent non-profit partners focused on serving our refugee population , and we enjoy showcasing and supporting them as much as we can financially and physically ." Members gathered to clean , sort , and bundle 200 pairs of eyeglasses and three dozen pairs of shoes for Lions Club International and Soles4Souls . In addition , aA virtual panel discussion was held for World Refugee Day entitled , " Together we heal , learn and shine . Refugees in NWA : Identification and Community Assistance ." The event featured panelists : Stephen Coger , Arkansas immigrant defense director ; Mariah Green , Canopy NWA volunteer coordinator ; and Monica Kumar , Ozark Literacy Council , consultant . The panelists provided information on how the local community could support refugees and volunteer with their organizations . Soror Sharon Munroe , Target 5 Co-Chairman , moderated the discussion .
Xi Theta Omega Hosts Dictionary Drive
Shown are Xi Theta Omega members Lisa Staples-Wherry , Sabrina Cannon , Tremendous Francisco , and Nedra Ervin , with Johns Elementary School Principal Dawn Zdrojewski .
Phi Alpha Omega Chapter basileus and Tea Rose Foundation of Northwest Arkansas president presenting a financial donation to Arkansas Immigrant Defense representatives .
Arlington , TX – In recognition of Global Impact Day 2021 , Xi Theta Omega Chapter hosted a Dictionary Drive for their Refugees in America Assistance Program ( RAAP ). Information about the RAAP Dictionary Drive was posted on Xi Theta Omega ' s Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter .
With support from Xi Theta Omega members , the public , and the chapter ' s teen group - A . C . O . L . Y . T . E . S .; Arlington Community of Lovely Young Teens Excelling in Service made purchases from an Amazon wishlist , 196 dictionaries were donated to the English as a Second Language ( ESL ) program at Johns Elementary School in Arlington . Due to the COVID-19 pandemic , the dictionaries were presented during a drop-off at the elementary school approved by Soror Joya Hayes , South Central Regional Director , and social distancing was enforced . Additional dictionaries were supplied as a part of a donation to a refugee family during World Refugee Day .
Beta Psi Omega Addresses Disaster Prep and Mental Health
Beta Psi Omega hosted a community workshop- Virtual Pink Table Talk Series : Mental Health
Austin , TX – According to TexasFloodlnsurance . org , Texas is a leader in flood-related damages almost annually . Beta Psi Omega Chapter addressed this by hosting a community workshop titled , " When Spring Showers Become Raging Waters : strategies for protecting your family and home from Central Texas floods and other extreme weather events ." The risk management committee hosted a panel presentation by Mr . Eric Oubre , Sr ., director of disaster cycle services for the American Red Cross , Soror Brittany McNealey , emergency management specialist for FEMA , and Soror Nicole Cross , PhD ., anchor and In Focus host for Spectrum News Austin / San Antonio , who served as moderator . Attendees were provided with strategies to protect their families and homes from flooding and other severe weather events . The chapter also held another installment of its table talk series , titled " Pink Table Talk : Mental Health ." Beta Psi Omega partnered with Dr . Summer Rose , Psy . D ., licensed psychologist , and Mrs . Alessia Fontenette Madkins , MAMFT , LPC , CCPS-C , MHC-C , to tackle these issues . The panel discussed the pandemic ' s impact on the mental health of African Americans related to grief from death .
Alpha Xi Omega Celebrates 92 Years
Alpha Xi Omega members are shown .
Dallas , TX – In celebration of its 92 years of service to the Dallas community , Alpha Xi Omega Chapter completed its 2nd apartment install
76 I vyL eaf Centennial edition ® fall 2021