Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 77

CHAPTER NEWS gather quarterly to clean our adopted highway . Soros kept their distance by cleaning six feet apart and wearing protective gear . Soror Carmen Echols and her team continued with an AKAcanned food drive . This project served the Refugee Empowerment Program to ensure families have food during the pandemic . This team hosted many other virtual events , such as Souls4Soles donation drive , raising $ 1,000 to decorate mittens and hats for children at the refugee empowerment program to help keep the little ones warm . The chapter members walked 8,000 steps for the refugee project " Stepping for Refugees Virtual Walk ." Alpha Alpha Zeta Omega salutes Target 5 Chairman Soror Carmen Echols and her team for outstanding work during the pandemic .
Joint Virtual AKA Day at the Capitol Held
The South Eastern Region made history when sorors from Alabama , Mississippi , and Tennessee collaborated and implemented the first-ever Virtual Joint AKA Day at the Capitol . Sorors registered in record numbers .
Sorors from the South Eastern Region attend the first virtual Joint AKA Day at the Capitol .
The theme for the event was Excellence in Engagement : Connecting AKAs to L . E . A . D . A call to action was delivered by Juanda Maxwell , the South Eastern Region Representative to the International Connection Committee . Topics included voter suppression , funding for HBCUs , and the necessity for improved relations between law enforcement and communities of color . Sorors were enlightened by the state legislative liaisons : Representative Barbara Boyd ( AL ); Representative Debra Hendricks Gibbs ( MS ) and Representative Barbara Cooper ( TN ); Congresswoman Terri Sewell of Alabama ' s 7th District , and Congresswoman Nikema Williams of Georgia ' s 5th Congressional District . Sorors were engaged in celebrating the accomplishments of South Eastern ' s countless hours provided to the NAACP partnership through participation in 2020 Get Out the Vote phone banking and census campaigns . Sorors were energized to advocate for vaccinations . Special thanks to Mitzi Dease Paige , South Eastern Regional Director , steering committee members : Leyser Q . Hayes , AKA Day at the Capitol Liaison , Statewide Connection Coordinators , Pamela Hudson Pruitt ( AL ); Gloria B . Johnson ( MS ), Arther Wells- Lewis ( TN ) and Melissa McNeil Hammonds , Resource and all committee chairmen and members .
Alpha Delta Omega Holds Celebration for Diamond Soror Farrell
Nashville , TN – Diamond Soror Lena Pearl Farrell was born in Lawrenceburg , Tennessee , in 1918 . She experienced two pandemics and
turned 103 years old on January 20 , 2021 . On this momentous day , she had the opportunity to witness the first African American female sworn in as the Vice President of the United States . Alpha Delta Omega Chapter hosted a virtual celebration and toast in her honor . South Eastern Regional Director Mitzi Dease Paige provided greetings and a proclamation from the region . Internationally , we celebrated Kamala Harris Day ; however , it was the Lena Pearl Farrell and Kamala Harris Day in Nashville . We continued the celebration on May 1 , 2021 ; Alpha Delta Omega helped her celebrate another significant
Alpha Delta Omega Celebrate Diamond Soror Lena Pearl Farrell .
milestone in her life , 80 years of sorority membership . Soror Farrell was initiated in the Alpha Psi Chapter at Tennessee State University . She was excited about having the opportunity to celebrate despite the country ' s current state and shared comments of gratitude for being blessed to see these momentous days .
Kappa Lambda Omega Celebrates 113th Founders ' Day
Nashville , TN – Kappa Lambda Omega Chapter celebrates their first virtual Founders ' Day-themed " Reflection of our Sisterhood ," with First Supreme Anti-Basileus Soror Danette Anthony Reed as our guest speaker . Soror Reed reminded the 220 sorors in attendance to focus on the future of our organization while we understand and appreciate the past . She laid the foundation of who we are as sisters and indicated that " Our sisterhood has a rich past that has sustained a pandemic , wars , racist , and we are still standing ." She encouraged sorors to remember that Ethel made Us , Nellie saved Us , and sorors we must sustain Us . We can continue to support this sisterhood is to continue to serve , work and give back to the community . Among the guest in attendance was Supreme Basileus Glenda B . Glover , South Eastern Regional Director Mitzi Dease Paige , former South Eastern Regional Director Ida K . Martin , former South Eastern Regional Director Cynthia J . Finch , and the chapter ' s very own former South Eastern Regional Director Mary B . Connor . This year ' s Founders ' Day celebration was spearheaded by Soror Sylvia Southall and her committee under the leadership of President Deirdre Woods .
First Supreme Anti-Basileus Soror Danette Anthony Reed , guest speaker , and Supreme Basileus Glenda B . Glover were part of Kappa Lambda Omega ' s virtual Founders ' Day Celebration with other South Eastern region dignitaries .
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