Ivy Leaf Magazine Fall 2021 Edition | Page 40

Ufodike Elected Trustee
Soror Tosi Ufodike of Chi Alpha Omega Chapter in Schaumburg , IL , made history by being the first person of color elected to serve as a trustee on the board for Ela Township in Lake County , IL . Soror Ufodike , an established and serial entrepreneur with several successful businesses , ran with a slate of qualified incumbents called Serving ELA . Established in 1850 , Ela Township serves over 50,000 residents across 28 precincts and seven municipalities . Beginning in May 2021 , Soror Ufodike ' s role includes contributing to the adoption of annual budgets and appropriation ordinances , monitoring all Township expenses , and serving the residents of Ela Township .
Varner Receives Award
Soror Kimberly Varner , Xi Zeta Omega Chapter in Washington , D . C ., is the 2021 Soror of the Year for the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Washington , D . C . ( DCNPHC ). Soror Varner was recognized for her dynamic leadership and unwavering support . In 2021 , she assisted the newly-elected president to transition into her new role by providing wise counsel and served on several committees where she saw a need for support . In addition , Soror Varner sat on the DCNPHC Executive Board in the role of immediate past president when the former president moved out of the area ; assisted the council ' s history committee with key historical data , re-established the DCNPHC newsletter since 2018 ; assisted the economic empowerment committee with developing economic strategies to benefit member chapters and undergraduates ; and served on the nominating committee . Soror Varner led the DCNPHC as president from 2014 — 2018 , and during her tenure , was awarded the Outstanding Alumni Council Award from the National Pan-Hellenic Council in October 2017 .
Walker Recognized
Mu Omega Omega celebrates Soror Terita Walker as East High School ' s new principal for 2021-2022 . In a letter from the Central Regional Instructional Superintendent , Soror Walker is recognized for her excellent character , vision , knowledge , and abilities supported by her bachelor ' s degree in public relations / marketing ( speech communication ) from Southern Illinois University , Master of Arts degree in Teaching , Secondary Education / Teacher Licensure Program from the National Louis University / National College of Education in Chicago , IL , and a master ' s degree in counseling , school counseling from the University of Phoenix . In addition , she earned her principal licensure while participating in the Ritchie Leadership Administrator Licensure Program at the University of Denver , CO . Join us in congratulating Soror Walker !
Waters Appointed Assistant Superintendent
Soror D ' Ana L . Watson Waters , director of curriculum and equity in the North Penn School District , Lansdale , PA , has been appointed Assistant Superintendent , beginning July 1 , 2021 , and will be the first African American to serve as one of the district ' s top three administrators . In her current role as curriculum and equity director , she led the district ' s efforts to build cultural proficiency among students and staff , updated policies to promote equity , and worked to update district curricula and instruction to better support marginalized students and groups while serving as co-chair of the district ' s cultural proficiency committee . She will continue bringing her passion for ensuring quality , equitable education for all students in her new role . She began her career in the district in 1995 , working for one year as an English as a second Language assistant , then a classroom teacher , intervention specialist and assistant to a middle school principal . Soror Waters was named principal of Hatfield Elementary School , where she earned numerous recognitions , including the Superintendent ' s Honor Roll Award in 2018 . Soror Waters was initiated into the Theta Iota Chapter at the West Chester University of Pennsylvania , where she received a B . S . degree in speech communications . She earned a master ' s degree from Beaver College ( now Arcadia University ), K-12 administrative certification from the University of Pennsylvania , and a doctorate in educational leadership from Immaculata University . Soror Waters is a Phi Beta Omega Chapter member in North Wales , PA . She chartered the chapter with her mother and sister and has served on and participated in numerous chapter committees and programs / activities .
Watkins-Tartt Public Health Appointee
Soror Kimi Watkins-Tartt of Xi Gamma Omega Chapter in Oakland , CA , hit the ground running when appointed Alameda County Public Health Director in 2019 . From her 30-year tenure , she demonstrated a passion for health equity in the black community . She is a founding member and now chair for the Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiative and chairs the Health Equity and Social Justice Committee of the National Association of City and County Health Officials . She designed and implemented Alameda County ' s health equity and local policy upon appointment while spearheading the first chronic disease prevention planning process . Soror Watkins-Tartt wasted no time putting a plan in place to ensure African Americans had access to COVID-19 vaccinations . She established vaccinations after work hours , pop-up locations , faithbased partnerships , and FERMA assistance . Her mantra is , " Stay masked , get vaccinated , protect yourself and others . It takes all of us to eliminate health disparities ." Soror Watkins-Tartt was initiated into Mu Kappa Chapter , University of California , Davis .
Williams Elected First Black Councilwoman
Soror Tammy Williams of Pi Theta Omega Chapter in Morristown , NJ , was elected to a four-year term as West Orange Township ' s first Black Councilwoman . Soror Williams is an entrepreneur , community champion , and servant-leader committed to improving the well-being and health of adults and children . She believes that by working together , " Everything Is Possible ." Soror Williams has led the West Orange Township Human Relations Commission for the past four years and was elected from among seven candidates to fill three council positions . " It is an honor to serve my community in this position ; I think of the historical impact of being selected and breaking the glass ceiling so that others may follow , as well as being an advocate for my fellow neighbors . In addition , I am humbled to serve in a diverse and vibrant community such as West Orange , a community where I have raised my family ." Soror Williams has served as basileus of Pi Theta Omega Chapter and is the niece of the 20th Supreme Basileus , Soror Barbara K . Phillips , and former Supreme Grammateus , Soror Constance Holland .
38 I vyL eaf ® fall 2021 Centennial edition