itSMF Bulletin itSMF Bulletin May 2018 | Page 13



People to Buy by Paul McCarthy

I suggest the more they talk the less you listen! The fact is you can’t convince someone to buy from you.

Convincing messages simply don’t work, but unfortunately whether through following bad advice, or due to lack of awareness, many professionals marketing messages are about convincing their prospects.

It’s little wonder then why so many people’s marketing doesn’t hit the mark. But, there is an alternative, one that will help you to start attracting a lot more attention.

It starts with you understanding that your job is not to try and convince anyone to buy from you, instead you must help them DISCOVER WHY YOU!

You see, selling is broken down into two simple components; Convincing Selling or Discovery Selling and most people (unfortunately) drop automatically into convincing mode.

Convincing Selling

Convincing is about trying to talk people into doing business with.