itSMF Bulletin itSMF Bulletin May 2018 | Page 14

You’ll know you’re in convincing mode if all your marketing is talking about things like:

What you do

How you do it

How long you’ve done it

Why you’re so good at it

Basically, you are trying to boast about your abilities and hoping this will convince the prospect to pick you.

If this is your current approach I have bad news for you. All your marketing efforts are not only being wasted, they are likely having the complete opposite effect to the one you were hoping for.

Instead of attracting prospects your messages are more likely repelling them.

Convincing selling is akin to being at a dinner party where there is one person who dominates the conversation. You know the type. No matter what anyone else has done, they have done it bigger, brighter, better! They want to convince you they are superior.

Your job is to help people discover why they need you.

How do you do that?


Talk to them about them! I know it’s a radical idea! Here’s the thing, we all have the same favourite subject - ourselves. This may come as a shock but your prospects don’t care about you as much as they care about themselves.

They don’t want to hear about you, what you do or how brilliant you are at it. At least not until you’ve done one thing first. Listen to them.

All your prospects want is to feel understood.

This means your marketing is about them, their challenge and how they can eliminate whatever problem or challenge you specialise in helping they with. In other words, you help them discover why you by talking all about them.

This one idea can absolutely transform your marketing results, but it takes work (perhaps that’s why many people don’t do it).

It’s easier to just talk all about who you are and what you do.

It takes effort to build marketing messages and material that add value to your prospect and in doing so, position your expertise effectively. Ultimately the choice is yours.

You can talk until you’re blue in the face trying to convince the world why they should buy from you, or you can do the work and create a message that helps people discover why you. If I was you I know what I’d do.