Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #07 | Page 45

sion, for them the only form of life extension is a metal environment. Stephen Hawking’s limited understanding represents a ‘ground-hog day’ ‘we’re going to have to repeat this mistake’ return to our soulless ancestors. Instead of maximizing the negentropic field effect of a genetically diverse biosphere to create the ensouling negentropic charge implosion of nature, with the yoga lifestyle of charge attraction, these small minded, clueless to how DNA makes a soul types, would lead you down the literally dead-end path which took the Dracos (our part ancestors), and the Greys, to their dead, metal encased, soulless agony. Our past, and their soulless future does not have to be our future! A bit of irony here that Enki (and his Caducceus conjugator sidekick Hermes/Thoth/Tehute DaWiD) Enki’s other name Nudimid - means ‘The Cloner’(see Anton Parks). Talk about finding your job description is the problem, instead of the solution! By becoming his father’s teamleading cloner, he discovered exactly how cloning was de-souling his bloodline, and offered the solution: The result is: a plasma field around DNA which is psychokinetic, negentropic, time travelling, lucid dreaming and ensouled. These are all the things that our Nephalim, Draco, Uru and Annunaki ancestors precisely could not do. To - Enlil/ Yalweh and the soulless cloners, we send our condolences. To the clueless Stephen Hawking approach in which he says stem cells are the key to immortality. What he doesn’t know is that phase conjugate dielectric (implosive charge) fields are the key to switching on and off stem cell behvaiour. What lies deeper beneath this is that the conjugate field of the stem cell, in order to have soul making context, requires exactly the opposite of what cloning offers in order to make the human plasma field actually immortal! So Stephen Hawkingwho sadly it appears is lacking the biological equipment to have a glandular bliss experience. So he advocates the soulless approach of the Nephalim and Draco. Of course those who choose a mechanical assisted form for metal life exten44