Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #07 | Page 46

the Caducceus. In the physics of wave mechanics the Caducceus is the shape of a conjugate field. Naturally generated by DNA, in the right (blissful) biologic context the conjugate wave (so called ‘perfect storm’ rogue) - can propel our bioplasma aura into the immortal. This becomes exactly the mechanism that makes Enki’s profession ‘The Cloner’, obsolete. At death or bliss/ kundalini/tantra – moments this ‘KHEM unto the lord’ black hole created by the phase conjugating genetic field- is DNA’s way of attempting plasma projection. If you throw the ball coherently it creates a plasma toroid which can be sustained. It becomes the doorway through death to immortality depending on coherence, whose climax form is phase conjugate. Here we shed more light on the archetypal concept: the Ba from the Ka. Translating the Egyptian concept- the Ka is the amount of coherence in your plasma aura enabling your ‘boat into the underworld’ and the Ba is squeezed out from the Ka like a seed from the husk. The Ba is the part of your plasma coherent aura which can and does survive implosive compression accelera45