Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #07 | Page 44

history and physics of negentropy - implosion in blood 1. 2. 3. How human DNA participates in the broad spectral- implosive negentropic - phase conjugate pump wave. Summary: The recursive braiding golden ratio molecular geometry contributes to the mid range frequency component ( khz- mhz). Probably relates to the so-called psychokinetic measuring ‘BOSON 7’ or ‘Micro -chloridians in the blood’stories. Doing real power spectra of DNA to measure psycho kinesis/evolution is of course a political hot potato. The implosive geometry of hydrogen - golden ratio proven orbits - at the DNA ladder rung core, contributes to the very high frequency phase conjugate component. The low frequency phase conjugate component seems likely to be largely generated by the below 50 hz beautiful harmonic cascadesfrom the heart/brain during peak experience/coherent emotion/ bliss (much of my life’s work was on this). The EKG harmonic cascade during peak emotion appears to be a linear, octave based harmonic series which, however, seems to move closer to a conjugate .618 hz (key signature) during love/empathy etc. Whereas the EEG harmonic series, during bliss, psycho kinesis or projective plasma events, appears to take on a beautiful golden ratio: precisely phase conjugate harmonic series (see BLISSTUNER - at In addition what may be even more beautiful, as we discuss in the frequency cascade graphic at the top of this article, the key signature ALPHA EEG frequency seems to lock on to the Schumann resonance (planetary embedding) which is also profoundly phase conjugate to Planck length and time (meaning precisely atomically implosive). 43