MM: Something is wrong. It’s like an alarm?
It’s like the dashboard
in your car: You have a
series of warning lights.
So just as if you had
seven warning lights on
your dashboard; one
for family (oil); one for
money (water); one
for work (gas); one for
electricity (heart - rela-
tionships, love); one
for speech - you know,
voice (thyroid), and
so-on, each light will go
on with a warning and
with a symptom, letting you know that that
area of your life: something’s wrong with it.
You need to name it;
effectively and then release it.
Otherwise the light will
get worse and worse
and worse and the
symptom will get worse
and worse and worse.
MM: You talk in your book about intuition and, how can a psychiatrist apply
this intuition whilst doing his or her work? For example? Or a doctor?
This is a book by a
named Aaron Beck. He
is the father of cognitive behavioral therapy.
‘CBT’. It is the classic,
state of the art way that
people change thought
patterns so that they
can fix depression, anxiety, anger, obsessive
bipolar too, almost any
disorder now people
have cognitive behavioral therapy for.
They show on scans