Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #07 | Page 31

If, you do not take your feelings - fear, anger, sadness or love of something, and joy, and you don’t take it to tour left brain; express it, respond to it - do something about it and then, let it go! It will go down into your body, and your body instead will have to talk about it for you. If you can’t talk and respond to your fear, your heart will respond instead. If you’re angry, angry about work, or you’re near somebody else who’s angry, angry about work, and you can’t figure out how to process that it will go down into the area of the centre for work, and that anger will go to your adrenal gland and that adrenal gland - it’s a daisy chain! A domino affect of neurotransmitters and molecules that go from emotion; to chemical; to body. Emotion, to chemical, to body. Emotion goes to the brain stem and to the adrenal gland, produces cortisol; estrogen; androgens; changes your 30 immune system, blood vessels, nerve system, and it goes to the organ that needs to tell you that something in your life is out of balance. Photo:(c) Michelle Dennis 2008 of your feelings and be intuitively ‘keyed-in’ to somebody else’s. If you can take your feelings - fear; anger; sadness, bring it to your left brain and say it; respond effectively; and release: you have less capacity to get ill. Less! Every illness is in-part due to genetics, the environment, diet, injury and so-on. But every illness could be precipitated by your feelings or intuitive awareness of somebody else’s.