ISMR November 2023 | Page 97


Compact and robust stud welder

Heinz Soyer Bolzenschweißtechnik GmbH ( SOYER ), a specialist in fastening and joining technologies , offers a new generation of robust stud welders , designed for use under tough conditions . With over 53 years of experience and trade-specific expertise , SOYER provides stud welding technology from a single source , “ Made in Germany ”.
“ The BMK-20i device model with efficient inverter technology is part of the successful SRM-EcoWeld ® product line . It is particularly suitable for welding large-diameter weld studs of up to M16 . This unit has been specifically designed for an invariably high welding capacity , even with uninterrupted continuous operation , and just requires a mains connection of 32A . It is a compact , robust and powerful aid for daily use , especially on construction sites . Due to its low weight , this stud-welding device can also be transported over longer distances ,” the company told ISMR .
“ Further benefits for the user include smooth and gentle welding , even under challenging conditions such as out-of-position welding , the elimination of ceramic rings as aids and no ( or only minimal ) reworking at the welded joint ,” it added .
SOYER ’ s product portfolio encompasses everything from small , handy and portable stud welding equipment to large-scale and fully automated high-tech CNC controlled machining centres . All kind of welding studs and various welding fasteners are also available from its Wörthsee production site .
SOYER celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020 . It specialises in high-speed fastening technology . The medium-sized , family-run business with around 70 employees in Wörthsee , near Munich , has been awarded numerous prizes and certifications .
Its equipment ranges from portable mini stud welding equipment , matching welding guns and welding heads to large-scale , high-tech CNC studwelding machines . n
. soyer . com
Above and centre : Stud welding with the BMK-20i .
SOYER ’ s stand at Schweissen & Schneiden 2023 in Essen , Germany .
Schuler ’ s sheet metal forming lines produce the components for electric cars with a long range – whether lightweight body and structural parts , metal housings for batteries or electric motor laminations for engines . And with the help of our applications from the Digital Suite , presses can be operated more energyefficiently and economically .
www . schulergroup . com / blechexpo
ISMR November 2023 | ismr . net | 97