ISMR November 2023 | Page 96


Eagle launches new fibre laser cutter

Polish manufacturer , Eagle Lasers , chose Blechexpo / Schweisstec 2023 in Stuttgart , Germany , to launch its New iNspire 2.0 fibre laser cutting system in a unique black edition . Showcased with automation on its booth , the laser cutter features enhanced speed , ergonomic design and elevated all-round performance .
Camillo Brena , Marketing Director , Eagle Lasers , emphasized the upgraded machine ’ s human-centric focus and its impact on improving productivity and workflow : “ Among the key innovations in the new iNspire are the Eagle Eye fault detection technology and a completely redesigned operating panel . These enhancements have been developed to provide the operator with improved usability , but also to deliver even higher reliability and performance .”
The new operating panel features a sleek 24-inch , Full HD , vertical multi-touch screen sporting a new sensitive over-ride step potentiometer , intelligent illuminated buttons adapting to the machine ’ s status , hand gesture recognition and a new HMI ( humanmachine interface ).
“ The advanced monitoring system , Eagle Eye , supervises the cutting process and enables remote fault detection , while enhanced machine parameters offer broader customisation and adaptability . The New iNspire 2.0 also boasts the latest version of our eVa cutting head , optimised for increased demand and power , with a new automatic nozzle changer . New safety scanners are placed on the pallet changer , saving floor space and automatically resetting the machine upon detection of issues ,” explained the laser specialist .
Eagle also showcased its proprietary automation solutions at the trade show . The CraneMaster system facilitates loading sheets onto the cutting table while simultaneously unloading cut parts to the
unloading station or storage . The eTower smart modular storage system ’ s shelves serve as both loading and unloading points , optimising motor operation through counterweights for energy efficiency .
Brena emphasized the advantage of sourcing automation and machine from the same manufacturer : “ We ensure that the automation system can handle whatever the machines can cut in terms of sheet size , material type , volume and speed ,” he
Camillo Brena , Marketing Director , Eagle Lasers .
Eagle ’ s eVa cutting head .
explained .
Visitors at Eagle ’ s booth also saw live cutting shows with different materials and technologies , could read a copy of the company ’ s newly released WINGS magazine and also met several members of the Eagle Team , including Marcin Ejma , Eagle CEO and founder . Ejma commented that the market ’ s shift is towards “ more speed , automation and adaptability ” and hinted that 2024 would be a year of great technological innovation . n
. eaglelasers . com

Virtual optimisation of BiW assembly

AutoForm Engineering GmbH , a leading supplier of software solutions for stamping and BiW ( body-in-white ) assembly processes , has unveiled its latest software version , AutoForm Assembly R11 .
“ This version offers new features and enhancements which are of particular benefit for the joining process , the assembly process and the dimensional accuracy of the entire BiW . With AutoForm Assembly R11 , users can easily achieve quality targets and reduce or even eliminate physical improvement loops ,” said the software specialist .
AutoForm Assembly R11 facilitates the virtual optimisation of BiW assembly processes . The main new features and enhancements developed for the joining process , the assembly process and the dimensional accuracy of the entire BiW are :
■ Support of laser line welding : The latest release enables users to consider the thermal effects of laser line welding . This newly developed option for the joining process enables them to specify welding speed , power input and efficiency as process to calculate the thermal loading of the heat-affected zone . Based on the change of local strains and stresses , users can determine the impact of thermal effects to the dimensional accuracy of the assembly .
■ Assembly simulation considering real part geometry : “ With this release , users can also carry out assembly simulations at the process engineering stage when initially produced stampings are already available . The new capability allows them to map the simulation results of individual stampings ( such as strains , stresses and thickness distribution to scanned part geometries from production ). This type
of mapping reflects the condition of the stampings produced . This is especially important as an input for the assembly simulation , since the combination of real geometry and physical state of the stamping ensures accurate simulation results of the assembled parts ,” explained AutoForm .
■ Better alignment with reality : With enhancements in the latest software version regarding the description of constraints in assembly and measurement operations , users have better control over the process definition and can achieve more consistent alignment with reality .
“ Through these , and other new features and enhancements , users are equipped for the design of the assembly process starting with early feasibility studies , moving to process engineering and then advancing to tryout and production support ,” concluded AutoForm . n
www . autoform . com
96 | ismr . net | ISMR November 2023