ADDIMAT elects new President
On 13 May 2022 , the General Assembly Foundations , runner-up in the global award for of the Spanish Association of Additive and Women in Tech 2020 in the start-up category , 3D Manufacturing Technologies , ADDIMAT , and winner of Nova Talent 2021 for Engineering elected Mariel Diaz as its president to replace and Energy . Diaz is the Asturian ambassador Jaume Homs . for Women in 3D Printing and Alumni of
Mariel Diaz is the CEO and founder of Techstars , the worldwide technology business Triditive , an Asturias-based company founded accelerator . in 2016 that develops industrial machinery Diaz has been on the board of management and software for the automation of additive of ADDIMAT since 2019 and was appointed manufacturing . It has offices in the UK and the to the role of Vice President of the association U . S . last year .
Ms . Diaz holds degrees in mechanical
“ The goal of the new president of ADDIMAT engineering from the University of Oviedo is to showcase additive manufacturing and its and industrial engineering from Universidad importance for creating the factories of the Distrital Francisco José de Caldas ( Colombia ), future . It is also important to get to know the as well as a Master ’ s in negotiation from partners and create collaboration spaces that Harvard University . Diaz has taught on the foster the growth of additive manufacturing Masters in 3D printing at the University of in Spain and help generate business Oviedo and works as an additive manufacturing opportunities . Ms . Diaz aims to bring visibility expert for the European Commission and the to the additive manufacturing technology being Fraunhofer Institute . developed in Spain ,” said the association .
She has received numerous awards ,
ADDIMAT ’ s 2021 activities and results were including Spain ’ s Female Entrepreneur of presented at the general assembly . It was the Year in 2018 from the Secot and Repsol a favourable year for the sector in terms of
sales and for the association itself , which has grown substantially with the incorporation of 19 new partner companies . The management plan for 2022 was approved , with new initiatives aimed at promoting growth in the sector and accelerating the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies in Spanish industry .
ADDIMAT is a member of AFM Cluster , an organisation that represents the ecosystem of advanced and digital manufacturing and is made up of six industry associations , grouping over 700 companies , which employ 16,500 people and have a joint turnover of over 2.8- billion euros . n
Esmark Steel Group promotes Macintyre
Mariel Diaz .
Esmark Steel Group , a subsidiary of Esmark , Inc ., has promoted Don Macintyre , Vice President and General Manager , to Senior Vice President of Purchasing . In this role , he will be responsible for all steel purchases and will report directly to Esmark Steel Group CEO , Roberto Alvarez .
Macintyre has more than 30 years of experience in steel and related industries . Before his current role , he held roles of
Don Macintyre . increasing responsibilities at Excalibur Machine ( an Esmark company ) as chief operating officer , and Century Steel as director of purchasing ( later acquired by Esmark ). Early in his career , he gained experience at Klöckner Steel Trading and 3M . He has a Bachelor ’ s degree in
Marketing from Southern Illinois University . “ I have known and worked closely with
Don for two decades , and he has always been a key ‘ go to ’ manager within Esmark ,” said James P . Bouchard , Esmark , Inc . Chairman and CEO . “ His intimacy with the steel industry , combined with his leadership and collaboration skills , made him the ideal candidate for this role .”
Esmark Steel Group , a wholly-owned subsidiary of Esmark , Inc ., is one of the United States ’ leading processors and distributors of value-added , flat-rolled steel and the third-largest U . S . producer of tin plate steel . n
Contract extension decided for Martina Merz
Martina Merz , CEO , thyssenkrupp .
Following a proposal by the Supervisory Board Personnel Committee , the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp AG has resolved to extend the existing Executive Board contract of Martina Merz , CEO of thyssenkrupp , by a further five years from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028 .
Prof . Dr . Siegfried Russwurm , Chairman of the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp AG , commented : “ On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board , I would like to thank Martina Merz for the resolute approach to the transformation of thyssenkrupp . We are pleased that Ms . Merz has agreed to continue to drive forward this change process in her role as Chairman of the Executive Board of the company .”
Despite macroeconomic and geopolitical headwinds , thyssenkrupp was able to build on its good first quarter performance in the second quarter of the current fiscal year 2021 / 2022 . The group ’ s order intake went up by over 50 per cent year-on-year to a total of € 13.6 billion . Key drivers were higher market prices for many materials at Materials Services and Steel Europe and a major order in the marine business . Sales in the second quarter also increased by 24 per cent to € 10.6 billion ( prior year : € 8.6 billion ). Adjusted EBIT came to € 802 million , also significantly above the prioryear figure of € 220 million and above the figure of € 378 million for the previous quarter . n
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