Women in engineering
To coincide with International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June 2022 , Coventry University ( UK ) research engineer , Dr . Lorena Caires Moreira , shared her five top tips for women who want to succeed in engineering .
Being fearless has helped her to forge a career in the male-dominated world of engineering ; now she says it is one of her five top tips for future female engineers . Lorena has been working with engineering and technology for a decade and is a research fellow at Coventry University ’ s Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering ( AME ), where she helps to transform engineering problems into innovation opportunities by leveraging the capabilities of emerging technologies .
A recent report released by the UK House of Commons revealed that companies with a higher percentage of female leaders outperformed those dominated by men and proposes that women should play a major role in the UK ’ s post-pandemic economic recovery . Dr . Caires Moreira hopes that her report will stimulate further change in her industry .
“ Currently , the very dynamic global scenario , including customers ’ demands for personalised products ; rapid technological advancements ; connected factories ( Industry 4.0 ) and net zero targets , have placed the weaknesses ( or limitations ) of traditional engineering approaches in the spotlight . The engineering and technology sectors need people who can think systemically , crossing disciplinary boundaries and can assess the impacts of decision-making for highly complex environments and with considering multiple dimensions – business , process , people and planet ,” she told ISMR .
“ Such a scenario is reshaping the skills of future engineers and providing a positive environment for women to thrive in the sector . Women have played a major role in engineering and leadership and more of us are needed to help achieve a better , stronger and more sustainable world ,” she added .
She shared her top tips to help others follow in her footsteps and be a catalyst for change :
1 . Be fearless . “ No woman should be afraid of building a career in engineering due to the ratio of men to women . Use it as an extra encouragement to be a trailblazer and create change for the future . Always speak with confidence , clarity and certainty . Give yourself enough time to be prepared and never be afraid of asking questions and to be heard . Fearlessness must come with wisdom , and wisdom comes from the ability to listen , learn , assess and understand others and the wider picture of your actions .”
2 . Have fun . “ There has never been a better time to join a career path in engineering for women , given the technology advancements and the need for new innovative thinking . I have a lot of fun working in engineering and technology and that ’ s partly because the environment allows me to fully explore my potential for both technical and soft skills . The fact that engineering remains a male-dominant sector poses extra challenges that require me to stretch my comfort zone in all directions and I really appreciate evolving and learning every day .”
3 . Make kindness your superpower . “ Empathy and kindness are powerful skills that can be used to show respect and appreciation towards your colleagues . Help others and you can help to create a supportive and collaborative work environment . Emotional intelligence can be an undervalued skill and it can mean different things , depending upon the circumstances , but the world is changing and social sustainability and workforce wellbeing are increasingly becoming key indicators within engineering approaches .”
4 . Collaborative communication . “ Be curious about people at work in a professional way ; ask about their
Above and below : Dr . Lorena Caires Moreira .
professional experiences , projects and areas of expertise to find out how they , eventually , could support you . At the same time , let people know how you can help by sharing your experiences , expertise and areas of interest . Whether using email , virtual calls or face-to-face , make good use of friendly , objective and professional communication .”
5 . Know that you belong . “ To thrive in this industry you need to feel equal , know your worth and find a sense of belonging . We are seeing various initiatives towards more equal , diverse and inclusive ( EDI ) workplaces and working patterns being introduced that focus on addressing the gender gaps in engineering and technology . At Coventry University , we have an EDI committee that has been steering several initiatives .
She continued : “ Other great initiatives have been led by STEM Women and the Women in STEM campaigns , offering amazing resources and showcasing different opportunities for women . My advice is to join societies and networks when you are studying at university and beyond . If you don ’ t have a network at your organisation , set one up and be a catalyst for change . Don ’ t allow individual differences ( such as gender ) to stop you from feeling equal and feeling part of your team . Look past or embrace the differences and think of similarities you share with your colleagues . How do your skills complement each other ? What do you add to the team ?” n
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