Berdud to head AFM Cluster |
José Pérez Berdud was elected to the two-year tenure as President of the Spanish association of machine tools , accessories , parts and tools manufacturers , AFM Advanced Manufacturing Technologies , at the association ’ s annual assembly held in May . He has been a Board member since 2016 and is also a delegate of the European manufacturers ’ association , CECIMO , of which AFM has been a member since 1962 .
55-year-old Berdud , from Zumarraga ( Gipuzkoa ), is a technical electronic engineer with an MBA from Mondragon University . He has been working at Fagor Automation since he entered the workforce in 1993 as a technician in the research and
Cluster , guest presentations were given by Tirso Maldonado and Isabel Moreno . During the event , the association paid tribute to José Antonio Iriondo , of GRIP-ON , and José Ignacio Nicolás Correa of the NICOLÁS CORREA group , who were presented with the AFM gold insignia . José Ignacio Nicolás Correa also received a facsimile edition of the association ’ s 1946 founding document signed by his father , Baldomero Nicolás Correa .
The closing ceremony was attended by Arantxa Tapia , the Basque Government ’ s Regional Minister of Economic Development , Sustainability and Environment ; Markel Olano , President of the Regional Council
development department .
He has held a series of positions at the company
José Pérez Berdud . |
of Gipuzkoa and Galo
Gutiérrez , the Ministry of Industry , Trade and
relating to manufacturing , logistics and purchasing , and acted as industrial director from 2005 to 2016 when he became CEO / general manager .
Assembly meetings were also held for the other four associations forming the AFM Cluster : ADDIMAT , ESKUIN , AFMEC and UPTEK . After the general assemblies , all the attendees gathered at a joint celebration event , “ 2022 Advanced
Tourism ’ s general director of Industry and SMEs . Also in attendance were Ane Beitia , Mayor of Elgoibar ; Mikel Amundarain , Deputy Minister for Industry , Basque Government ; Estíbaliz Hernáez , Deputy Minister for Technology , Innovation and Competitiveness , Basque Government ; Cristina Uriarte , Commissioner for Science , Technology and Innovation and Aitor Urzelai , General Manager , SPRI . n |
and Digital Manufacturing Day ”. After a |
presentation on the economic outlook by |
Xabier Ortueta , general manager of AFM |
New Board of Directors for VDMA WG Laser .
VDMA WG Laser elects Board of Directors
At the spring meeting of the VDMA Working Group Lasers and Laser Systems for Material Processing ( WG Laser ), members elected a new Board for the next four years . The new Chairman of the WG ’ s Board is Dr . Christian Schmitz , Member of the Board and Chairman of the Laser Technology division of TRUMPF SE + Co . KG . Dr . Christoph Ullmann , managing director of LASERLINE GmbH , was elected as his deputy .
The newly elected Board includes Nikolas Meyer , Business Unit Manager - Sales and Application , EMAG LaserTec GmbH ; Dr . Stefan Ruppik , General Manager , COHERENT – ROFIN-SINAR Laser GmbH ; Dr . Christian Schmitz , Member of the Board and Chairman of the Laser Technology division TRUMPF SE + Co . KG and Dr . Christoph Ullmann , General Manager , LASERLINE GmbH .
The members also agreed on new bylaws , enabling suppliers of components with a direct link to the end application , laser manufacturers and system integrators ( as well as research institutes and universities ) to become members of the Working Group .
There is also a change in the VDMA office : Dr . Sven Breitung takes over management of the WG Laser group . Dr . Breitung has been with the VDMA since 2009 at the Organic and Printed Electronics association ( OE-A ) and later at the Printing and Paper Technology association , where he was responsible for research , trade fairs and OPC UA . n
Management changes for OPC Foundation
The OPC Foundation welcomed Dr . Holger Kenn ( Microsoft ); Claudius Link ( SAP ); Andreas Faath ( VDMA ); Aurelien Le Sant ( Schneider- Electric ) and Dr . Kazuhiro Kusunoki ( Mitsubishi Electric ) to the Board of Directors . It has also named Dr . Kenn as the Board ’ s newly elected chairman .
Dr . Kenn replaced Veronica Schmid-Lutz as the chairperson . He has extensive technical and business-related IoT experience working with Microsoft customers and partners for over a decade . The Foundation thanked Ms . Schmid- Lutz ( SAP ); Dr Fabrice Jadot ( Schneider- Electric ) and Russ Agrusa ( ICONICS / Mitsubishi Electric ) for their years of service on the Board and wished them all the best in their retirement or new business roles .
Commenting on the role that OPC UA plays in the industry , Andreas Faath explained : “ The machine and plant engineering industry favours OPC UA communication technology for Industry 4.0 . This is reflected in the enormous OPC UA Companion Specification development efforts being put in by more than 600 European and international companies , as they develop industry-specific interfaces via over 40 OPCF [ OPC Foundation ] joint working groups under the leadership of the VDMA . Through this worldwide technological breadth of the numerous working groups , we also succeed in harmonising the OPC UA for Machinery . In summary , we are developing the global language of production , based on OPC UA .”
The OPC Foundation provides the specifications ; technology ; process and certification to achieve multi-vendor ; multiplatform ; secure and reliable interoperability for moving data and information from the embedded world to the enterprise cloud . The Foundation serves over 860 members worldwide in the Industrial Automation ; IT ; IoT ; IIoT ; M2M ; Industry 4.0 ; Building Automation ; machine tools ; pharmaceutical ; petrochemical and Smart Energy sectors . n
. opcfoundation . org
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