IslanderView Digital Magazine January 2018 | Page 15

IV: Full name? course of 15 years. Life changed af- ter having kids, and when things went MP: Michelle Janean Pier a bit downhill, I began questioning IV: As islanders, we like to ask for everything about my life, including full names to check if there is any re- how to sustain myself in an authentic lation! way. I began my own business from home, selling cloth diapers and post- IV: Family? partum gift baskets for new mothers. I MP: Parents, Kenny and Libby Pier; was also starting to paint and create Sister, Marissa Quitugua and brother, more. It took hold, and after many Shane Pier. I am the youngest. complicated and difficult years, I learned how to streamline my busi- ness(es), and Creative Indeed was IV: What’s your “Islanderview”? born. MP: Growing up on Guam was a blessing, because it gave me a wider perspective of other cultures, since IV: Who were influencers (role mod- people from so many different places els) growing up? MP: My parents are live and visit here. I love and appreci- both entrepreneurs, so I learned a lot ate nature and the simple life, and al- about the pros and cons to running so appreciate the value placed on your own business. I also had a few family and friends. I feel like we is- teachers and relatives who encour- landers really know how to enjoy life aged me to keep creating. I found a without needing too many material or lot of inspiration from a variety of commercial things. people who shared their personal sto- ries of overcoming all kinds of adver- sity and creating meaningful lives do- IV: How did you choose your career ing what they love and sharing it with or current path? MP: Growing up, I others. thought I wanted to be a veterinarian IV: Your AHA moment? because I loved animals. I realized I didn’t want anything to do with the MP: There are SO many AHA mo- medical side of the job. People told ments! One of them was when I was me I should be an artist because I at an extremely low point in my life, was always drawing and creating, but feeling alone, overwhelmed, and I felt like it was just for fun and could- trapped. I got so frustrated one day, I n’t see it as a career. I thought may- was in tears on the floor for over an be I could be a travel writer, getting hour and then finally felt, “done.” I paid to see other places, take pic- had had enough of living in a toxic tures and write about my experienc- cycle of negativity. I realized that an- es. Eventually I worked in a variety of ger was more productive than des- retail and waitressing jobs over the 15