IslanderView Digital Magazine January 2018 | Page 14
Michelle participates in many lo- reers doing what they love in a way
cal exhibits, and also showcases that is authentic to their personality
her artwork (including time-lapse and lifestyle.
videos of the painting process Michelle is the mother of two active
from start to finish) and creative little boys, enjoys being in nature,
writing on her website and blog: loves writing, has been through some" crazy life adventures (good and bad),
"Michelle Janean Pier is the CEO
(Creative Executive Officer) of
Creative Indeed, an independent
artist and entrepreneur born on the
beautiful island of Guam.
Painting is her passion. Michelle’s
mesmerizing original acrylic paint-
ings are full of texture, movement
and meaning. She loves creating
imagery that captures the beauty
of Guam and the energy in nature.
Michelle has exhibited and sold
hundreds of paintings locally and
internationally. She is known for
creating community events that in-
spire creativity and has worked
with hundreds of individuals, busi-
Above: “Origin” available on 48”x48” stretched
canvas; call (671)777-1284 for details
nesses and organizations through
these creative collaborations. and looks forward to a million more
She loves helping people to recon- memories and adventures."
nect with their own creativity
and especially loves encouraging
people to create their own unique ca-