IslanderView Digital Magazine January 2018 | Page 16

pair , because its energy moved me past my limiting beliefs to take action . I realized that I was stronger and more capable than I thought . More recently , I had an AHA moment about struggle . I was experiencing emotions I ’ ve felt from the past , and started to feel like a failure , like things are too hard and won ’ t work out , like I hadn ’ t gotten anywhere . When I paused to look at my life now in a positive view , I realized I have come SO far , and that emotions come back up , but they don ’ t mean the truth . They just show us where we aren ’ t living our truth . I realized I am NOT where I was before , even if it feels that way . I learned to always pause to recognize my own progress , no matter how slow or small it feels .
IV : That one goal in you are still working on ?
MP : Financial sustainability . I ’ ve learned so much about investing in myself and my business , about paying off debts , and how I can get to financial freedom . This is what I ’ m still working on . It ’ s a journey , and I know I will get there , no matter how impossible it seems sometimes . And when I get there , I will turn around and help others who are striving for the same goal .
IV : Favorite local / Chamorro dish ?
Lechen biringhenas ( eggplant with coconut milk ) or fresh wahoo kelaguen
IV : Favorite color ? ALL ! IV : Had a feeling you ’ d say that ! :)
IV : Favorite island activity ? MP : Surfing
IV : Favorite village ? MP : Talofofo
IV : Favorite tourist site on island ?
MP : Litekyan beach and wildlife refuge . Off island ? Oooh , this is too tough to answer ! So many places !
IV : Favorite quote of inspiration ?
MP : By Howard Thurman , “ Ask not what the world needs . Ask what makes you come alive , because what the world needs is people who have come alive .”
IV : Favorite person ? MP : Haha , no favorites !
IV : Zodiac sign ? MP : Sagittarius
IV : Advice for young people trying to go down the same path as you ?
MP : Hold onto your truth through the