Radiant Skin | by Sylvia Galleli
containing foods are also one of the most consistent contributors to systemic inflammation . Gluten increases inflammation by increasing transient intestinal permeability . While a more in-depth discussion of how gluten undermines our digestive health ( hence our overall health ) is outside the scope of this article . Bottom line : Gluten is inflammatory !
Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause damage to proteins , lipids , and DNA […]
Gluten is also the underlying root cause of skin disorders for many people . Over the years as a nutritionist , I have received countless testimonials of individuals who reported that excluding gluten from the diet has led them to not only enjoying better digestive health , but also enhanced overall well being and clearer more radiant skin ! On the upside , there are now many gluten free options available .
It is important to know that in addition to vegetable oils and gluten , also adding fuel to the inflammatory fire is stress ! The stress response , commonly referred to as fight-or-flight , triggers a cascade of inflammatory processes . In addition to being inflammatory , prolonged stress is especially dangerous because it leads
to the exhaustion of organ reserve . Healthy stress management not only helps reduce inflammation , but has countless benefits to our physical , mental and spiritual health .
Great stress busters include : exercise , walking , yoga , breathing exercises , positive thinking , meditation ( my personal favorite apps are Calm and 10 % Happier ), gardening , being in nature , talking to a friend and simply taking a break for quiet time . Choose whatever strategy resonates with you . If you ’ re extraordinarily busy and feeling overwhelmed know that simply taking a deep breath can really help ! An immediate stress buster is taking a literal minute to breathe deeply ( focusing only on the breath ). Personally , I love this strategy because in just 60 seconds , you can reset and promote a calm state . Bottom line : Prioritize managing stress in your life- your mind , and body ( and skin !) will thank you !
3 Fire fighters to the rescue ! To help put out the inflammation fire , in addition to loading up on colorful plants , it also important to choose foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids . All too common in our modern diet , is an imbalanced ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fats ... and this is a huge contributor to excessive systemic inflammation ! To remedy the imbalance ,
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