iS Skin Source 2021 Q2 | Page 37

dust ! Choose a wide array of colorful foods and spices ( preferably organic ) such as : apples , berries , cherries , asparagus , kale , oranges , watermelon , spinach , endive , red cabbage , black beans , mushrooms , ginger , tumeric , rosemary , and more ...
The best part is that it is not hard ! Start by making it a habit to look at your plate and conduct what I call “ The Color Test ”. What does your plate look like ? Is it dull ? Mostly white , yellow and brown ( like hamburger and fries ? ). To pass the color test , your plate should be vibrant and colorful , containing at least 3 different colors ! Green , red , bright yellow , orange , purple , white ( as in garlic , cauliflower , pears not flour , milk or sugar )… Channel your inner artist and create a colorful palette on your plate � ! This simple color test has the power to help change your skin , your health and your life ! Bottom line : Eating a rainbow diet is just too important to do without !
Needless to mention , artificial colors don ’ t count ! In fact , artificial food dyes , widely used by the food industry to make food look appealing , not only increase inflammation but also can trigger allergic and other immune reactive disorders in many individuals that can result in health ( and skin !) problems . So , less skittles and more mixed fresh berries !

2 Stop adding fuel to the fire ! Because inflammation is “ cells on fire ”, it only makes sense to stop fueling the fire ... right ? With this in mind , think of sugar , processed foods , transfats , fried foods and most vegetable oils ( high in omega 6 ) as adding fuel to the fire ! In case you ’ re wondering : corn , soy , canola , safflower , sunflower , cottonseed , grapeseed , rice bran oils ... are all high in omega 6 ! For further reading you can check out Dr . Cate Shanahan ’ s book “ The Hateful Eight ”... just the title gives it away ;).

Think of refined sugar , processed foods , trans-fats , fried foods and most vegetable oils high in omega-6 ( like corn , soy , canola , safflower , sunflower ) as adding fuel to the fire .

In addition to the foods listed above , also adding fuel to the inflammation fire , is gluten ! Ubiquitous in our diet , gluten is a protein found in wheat ( also rye , barley , and other grains ). Gluten gives food its shape , holds it together like glue and texture ( think elasticity … like chewy dough ). Widely loved , fresh baked goods ( bread , rolls , cookies etc .. ) are oh soooo appetizing ( and addictive !). Unfortunately , gluten
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