ION: Let’s talk about your name to start things off…I KNOW there’s a story
there and inquiring minds want to know it…
SEBASTIAN: The name BASH comes from my name SeBAStian. It was my
nickname as a kid--my parents always referred to me as BASH. When I was 14, I
started writing songs for fun. I had self-taught myself how to play guitar since I was
11, and around this time I started to write songs. It was totally new to me and it came
very easy. I couldn’t stop once I started, and I ended up recording a small demo on
my laptop at home with a small recording program and a drum pad. I burned a CD
and showed my parents. They were very impressed and took me to SONIC
RANCH STUDIOS in Tornillo, TX, where I auditioned and showed them what I had. I
recorded the rst BASH album “Predicted” on my own. I wrote and recorded all the
instruments on that record, and I really wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it. I
remember the exact moment where the
producer, MARCO RAMIREZ, asked me:
“What are we gonna call it?” and I paused for
a second and told him “Bash.” And it has
stuck ever since.
ION: “Black Swan Theory” is your new
CD…what is the signicance of the title?
SEBASTIAN: We had struggled for a while
trying to nd the perfect name for that
record. It was a pretty big milestone in BASH
in a number of ways. We recorded it with
producer NOAH SHAIN, who’s worked with
ATREYU, and much more. We learned a lot from him during the process, and I’ll
always be extremely proud of this record. It really dened our sound, and really set
the bar for our progress as a band. So with this in mind, we had come up with the
idea of a “Black Swan Event”, which is dened as a life-altering event, such as a
massive tragedy