SEBASTIAN: Right now what we’ve been working on while at home is our NEXT
album, we’ve been working on quite a few lming projects. I created something
called the “Black Swan Theory Chronicles” which is basically a 6 part music video
series that highlighted some of the more prominent songs from “Black Swan
Theory”. I started it with the intention of bringing the original inspiration and
concepts for these songs to life, while also adding a slightly different and new twist,
so that the videos also stand alone as their own creation. I don’t want to give away
any surprises, but as we announce which songs are going to be chosen for the rest
of the series (we’re about halfway through right now), I’d like to tell anyone who is
curious about any of the upcoming videos, to listen to the lyrics in the songs, and
know that the videos will be based on their meaning, but expands and opens up
each song to its own world and story.
ION: Although you are local to El Paso, what is it you have done to garner you
national opportunities? And what advice would you give to up and coming
bands that want to break out of their local market?
SEBASTIAN: We are based out of El Paso, and we’ve been able to breakout from
being a local band to a regional and touring band by setting our goals high and
making smart decisions. If you know me, you know that I give a lot of credit to my
father, PETER FELIX, who has been a business owner for over 23 years now.
When I started BASH, I was just a kid. My father managed us since then and really
taught me how to run the band as a business, not just a hobby. This mindset has
really helped us take BASH to the next level. Every single show, video, song,
album, tour, or anything else that we do, is carefully planned out, with very specic
goals in mind. We’ve always kept a level
of professionalism that has set us apart
from most other bands, and I say that
with pride. It’s all about never missing
an opportunity, and like I mentioned at
the beginning of this answer, making
smart decisions. It’s never about
wasting time, or not caring and throwing
caution to the wind. If you want to do
this as a career, you have to treat it like
work, because that’s what it is. We
have fun and I love what I do, and
spontaneity and good times denitely
come with the territory, but when it
comes down to business, we get what
we need to do done before anything