JP: Really?
Jessie: The way we actually produced the album and put it together is very big and we’re
manifesting for a huge venue like MADISON SQUARE GARDEN in New York and that is
where I am from, so naturally that’s the goal. That is THE goal.
JP: I’m sure each of you bring different things to the table to complete the band
that is TRUE VIOLET. Can you tell me what each of you bring to the band
musically that is special and unique?
Jessie: I’ve worked really hard to become a strong and powerful vocalist. When you get
to hear the album, you’ll get to hear that dynamic in my vocals. Also, I write songs that
are from the heart. I think the authenticity of my lyric and the rawness of my vocal are the
strong points I bring to this band.
Alayna: I play bass. I really connect with my sister who plays drums. We’re kinda like the
“rhythm sisters”. I think collectively we bring a really nice rhythm and a good feel to the
music. We’re the backbone. I do a lot of the backup vocals. We’re the ones that make your
seat vibrate.
Kayla Miller: I play the drums. I think it goes to what Alayna said. I try to connect with
everybody in the band. At the same time, I try to keep everybody in line.
Jessie: She’s the glue.
Devo Fresh: I play guitar. I bring energy to our live show. I think that is one my strongest
points. You’ll always see me stage right, shaking my head, bouncing around, standing on
risers. You know, just being full of energy.
JP: Outside of music, we all have lives. What are your hobbies and interests?
Jessie: I have a jewelry line, it’s called “Red Wolf Jewelry”. I’ve created custom jewelry for
fans, friends, and family. I also have a podcast as well. I just try to interact with the fans
as much as possible. Generally anything creative or with a lot of talking, you can count me
in (laughing).
Alayna: I’m not really sure what you are able to release—I work at a medical marijuana
dispensary. I’m a big activist for getting it legalized. I’m very supportive of the whole thing.
I medicate with it. I try to get people to look at natural medicine. It’s something I’m really
passionate about—other than music of course. Music and my girls (band mates) are my
true passion.
Kayla: One of my hobbies, like Jessie, is jewelry. It is a big hobby of mine outside of the
Devo: Other than being a professional Netflix binge watcher, I really don’t do much. My
hobbies and my life are TRUE VIOLET. It’s what I live for.
JP: Music is life, what does that mean to you, Devo?
Devo: That means you eat, sleep, drink, breathe music. It’s constantly on your brain. It’s
like being in love. When you’re not with that person, you think about them. You wanna be
with them. That’s how music is. When you don’t have your guitar, you don’t have your
instrument you miss it, ya know?