ION INDIE MAGAZINE June 2015, Volume 13 | Page 17

TRUE VIOLET, an all-female band who is sure to make waves in this crazy industry, has so much talent. The music is draws you in. It becomes a part of you. It is raw, yet polished, emotionally real, enlightening, uplifting and an evolution through the journey of this thing we call life. Their desire to weave us into the very fiber of their musical being will go far in drawing new fans and keeping them, because there shall be a sense of you belonging to the music as much as Jessie, Alayna, Devo and Kayla. It was an absolutely fabulous time interviewing them. I hope you enjoy this fantastic opportunity to learn about a great up and coming band, that not only has my respect for their musical ability, but their honesty in answering all of my questions without hesitation. They have surrounded themselves with a team of proven winners in the music industry. This is a band that is radio ready and you should expect to hear them very soon on your favorite FM radio station. TRUE VIOLET is JESSIE COVETS (guitar and vocals), ALAYNA MILLER (bass guitar and vocals), DEVO FRESH (guitar) and KAYLA MILLER (drums). Remember their names…and the band TRUE VIOLET. *** JP: You guys have been around for a little bit Jessie Covets: about 2 years JP: I know the release you have coming out is the first full length CD you have had, and I’d like to delve into that a little later. Am I correct that you got your start in Florida? Jessie Covets: Me, Alayna and Kayla started out in Florida. Alayna and Kayla are sisters and I’m just their little sister. We found Devo off of a Skype list. Devo is actually from Vegas and she moved out to Cali. As a band, as TRUE VIOLET, we have only been a band for a little less than two years. JP: Why did you leave Florida for California? Alayna Miller: In Florida, we were pretty much established. We did touring all around the state. We had done pretty much everything in Florida we could as far as putting ourselves out there, exposure and everything. We ended up going with management in L.A. We were doing the cross country thing where we were in Florida and he was in Los Angeles. We just played it out as long as we could until it just didn’t make sense to keep visiting back and forth. We were in a bar one night after a show and we were like “We need to move to L.A.” We all just agreed on it in that one moment. It was really beautiful. We drove across the country with like a hundred and fifty bucks in our pocket. We’re really happy we made that decision. It’s been a really great year. It’s a perfect fit for what we are trying to do. JP: It is a great city with a lot of legendary clubs in the L.A. scene. Of anywhere, any venue you’ve ever played, do you have a favorite? Alayna: THE TROUBADOR—we’re really big on vibes and I think The Troubador is my favorite. What do you guys think? JP: Jessie, I’d like to ask this question of you specifically. If you could play to a sold out crowd at any venue in the world, where would it be? Jessie: MADISON SQUARE GARDEN.