JP: You guys have jobs outside of Violet, sort of, correct?
Jessie: I do jewelry fulltime. I have actually established my business enough that I create
enough revenue to cover my bills. That is my company, “Red Wolf Jewelry”.
Alayna: I work at the medical marijuana dispensary.
Kayla: I work as a receptionist at a spa. I do jewelry on the side as well.
Devo: I’m a huge fan of animals and dogs. I work at a dog place. It’s all organic. It’s all
natural. It’s great. I love it.
JP: What about your management and production team?
Jessie: Our management team is Jessie. It’s kind of a funny story. We had a management
team when we came out here, but they tried to gear us toward the pop groups and no
instruments, so we actually fired them. We were looking for management for a while and
we just couldn’t find anyone compatible, so we just decided to stay true to ourselves and
be independent instead. Now that I work from home, I am officially the band manager until
we find someone to fill in the shoes and bring us in the right direction. I’ve created a façade
many people think that I’m a man. A man in the industry, especially in L.A., gets a lot
farther, as I’ve learned from experience. So, I’ve created a façade. Now, everybody knows
my secret.