Investigating Sustainability Rose 2013 | Page 17

When it happens
dispute between different countries has become a sort of competition . “[ Our nations ] must conserve and sustainably manage fish stocks " and orders signatories to " settle peacefully any disputes that arise over fishing ." Says an editorial in “ The Economist ”. ( Facts On File , “ Overfishing ” 2007 ). The quote states a humane solution , without need for military involvement .

When it happens

While the concept of overfishing is simple enough to understand , what puzzles most people is why people overfish . the culprits are commercial fishermen , commercial fishing did not hit its big beginning until the 1960s , where big trawlers were introduced , and mass quantities of fish were being obtained . The types of fish had never experienced their species depleting so rapidly before , and had continued to reproduce at their natural rate . Mankind on the other hand , being so excited for the larger amounts of fish they were catching , who would have stopped to think of the fish that would soon be endangered . When the problem was practically out of control , governments finally set restrictions . But what drives the majority of mankind to do wrong , is money . Fishermen knew the more fish hauled in would mean a bigger paycheck , and the regard for the oceans were all but ignored .
But nobody is saying that fishing should be stopped . It is a fantastic market . Commercial fishers just need to slow down when it comes to fishing .
A great example of overfishing at work , is the bluefin tuna . this species of fish were once abundant in the mediterranean , and very popular in the japanese sushi market . “ Led by the sushi market in Japan , the global demand for succulent tuna meat has driven stocks of the once populated species to the brink of collapse . Fisheries in the Mediterranean , where this catch was landed , are in particular peril , with some studies showing highly prized bluefin tuna near extinction there .” (“ Roca , Jose Luis . " Global demand for fish ." National