Investigating Sustainability Rose 2013 | Page 16

What Overfishing is
International Disputes

Overfishing : A Marine life Massacre

By : Analisa Groble
In 1995 it was reported that almost 70 % of the worlds commercial fish population were endangered , threatened , or recovering from endangerment .

What Overfishing is

Overfishing is the act of catching fish faster than the species can repopulate , and replenish their population . it is a global crisis , but is too often overlooked . Why is overlooked ? Because one of the main reasons people overfish is that fishing employs around 200 million people worldwide , and fish is the main staple of roughly a billion more people ’ s diets . The government is afraid to take a stand on this issue in fear of the jobs at stake , not to mention the lives at stake . Human needs appear to trump the idea of an ethical way of fishing .

International Disputes

The U . S . is not the only offender when it comes to taking advantage of marine resources . Overfishing , is an international problem . Marine law states countries must only fish within their border , and many a time has a dispute between countries arise , some arguments called for navy ships to take actions . Now countries fish in search of larger quantities , one may even say that the