How it effects us
In the future
Geographic . N . p ., 1996 Web . 9 May 2013 . < http :// ocean . nationalgeographic . com ” Natrually the bluefin tuna is not the only speciesuffering . The Chinook salmon population took a hazardous turn as well . The salmon fishing is a rather large export in the northwest , They were very populated in the early 1970s . However come 1975 , where commercial fishing took its peak . Once the population was all but gone , the government laid down strict laws , and the early 2000s were dedicated to the species repopulating . Species such as halibut , swordfish , and flounder were also threatened at the time .
How it effects us
If 200 million people were to be unemployed , the world would go in financial ruin . Like the death of any major industry , jobs would be lost , and people would go hungry with fish being the only tangible protein for them to acquire . Imagine if a large chunk of americans were to lose their jobs . Many coastal cities would be in ruins . Thankfully the Government are trying to stop overfishing . While Some species out there may still be severely endangered , now seems to be a time of grace and replenishing for marine life as stricter fines , and consequences are placed . Let the lesson be known to humankind to better pace themselves and allow the fish to live .
In the future
There may be hope for marine life yet , now aquaculture is being introduced and put into action . Fish raised on farms meant to be consumed could be the way to control the population , and consumption of fish . And there is greater hope for the life in our oceans .