Find relevant people to follow
Make your company easy to find
Join in the conversation
Get people talking
Find relevant people to follow
Hashtags are an excellent way to look for people who have similar interests to you . So for example , if you were watching the Super bowl and want to see what other people were saying about the game you could easily find out by using the # superbowl hashtag . hashtags relevant to the specific areas you want to highlight . This will help you to target your tweets to the right people and make it easier for them to not only find your tweets but to follow and engage with you also .
Now imagine how you can use this in your business . If somebody is using a hashtag that you are interested in , then the chances are they would be a good person to follow . So look out for hashtags that are relevant to your business or target audience . This makes it very easy to find key people in your industry , as these are the ones who will be regularly tweeting people using these hashtags .
Make your company easy to find
You can make your company simple to find by using hashtags , as they will allow relevant people to find you easily . Hashtags will not only help you to be discovered but as you begin to tweet more often they can be a great way to categorize your tweets into different areas .
So if you are a large business with different divisions , or your business happens to cover a range of products or services , you will be able to segregate your tweets by using
Join in the conversation
As hashtags group together all the tweets with a common theme , you can effortlessly seek out the hashtags that focus on your particular niche or service . Once you find them , join in the conversations that are already happening on Twitter and share your expertise . These conversations give you a ready-made platform to showcase your knowledge and help make you an authority on the subject , meaning more people will be inclined to buy from you or use your services .
Get people talking
Don ’ t rely on joining in other people ’ s conversations . Take the initiative and start a discussion off yourself . This is a useful way to drive engagement with your company .
Encourage people to interact with you on various topics or ask for their opinions . For extra interaction don ’ t forget to promote your hashtag by adding it to your social