What is a hashtag ?
How to Use
# Hashtags on Twitter
Meet the hashtag “#”
It doesn ’ t look like much , but if you use Twitter and haven ’ t mastered the hashtag yet , it is soon going to be your new best friend .
Let ’ s face it : If you are new to Twitter or don ’ t use it very often , it can be very overwhelming . It ’ s hard to wade your way through thousands of irrelevant tweets to find the interesting little gems .
The humble hashtag transforms your tweeting experience . It helps you easily find what you are looking for , as well as being able to help you get your message out there to the right people .
So let ’ s start from the beginning and show you how it works :
What is a hashtag ?
Even if you have never been on Twitter before , you are probable already aware of hashtags without even knowing it .
You may have notice the trend for seeing a certain word or phrase with the hashtag symbol , “#” just before it .
For example , if you are watching a TV program , such as the X Factor or the Super Bowl , during the links they will display the words , # xfactor or # superbowl .
Sports presenters and chat show hosts alike will tell people a specific hashtag address if they want to learn more about , or get involved in , certain topical stories . Magazines , newspapers , even music songs feature the hashtag . It has now become part of our cultural psyche .
The hashtag comes alive once you go on Twitter . When you see a post with the hashtag you will find that hashtag is clickable . Clicking on the hashtag will bring you up a page listing all of the recent tweets featuring that specific hashtag .
So now you know what it is , let us show you how you can use the hashtag for your business .