Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 131
including the failures and “speed bumps” that you face; doing so offers authenticity to
your case study post and makes your brand more relatable because it proves that your
brand is composed of humans with faults, just like the rest of us. Finally, be sure to include
real numbers, graphs, and figures that back up your examples. Figure 6-1 shows a case
study post from ConversionXL.
FIGURE 6-1: An excerpt of a case study post from ConversionXL.
How-to post
The how-to post is another staple blog post type. In the article, you describe how to execute
a process and use images, video, or audio to enrich the post and make it as easy as possible
for your reader to take action.
This type of post contains a quick introduction and then gets into the process you’re
presenting; you might outline your process in the intro in the form of a bulleted list before
going into more detail in the body of the post. It can help to break the how-to information
in the body of the piece into steps, phases, or categories so that your readers can digest the
information more easily.
Frequently asked question (FAQ) post
The FAQ post is a great way to bring traffic to your website from search engines. If you
continually get repeat questions from customers or prospects, there is a good chance that