Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 130

Defeating Writer ’ s Block

The key to defeating the blank page is understanding that there are actually many different types of blog posts . After you understand the formats through which you can deliver blog content , you ’ ll never have writer ’ s block again .
In Chapter 4 , we discuss the concept of creating content segments . In the context of blogging , a segment is any content type that you repeat periodically , usually weekly or monthly . An example is a link roundup post , which displays a list of interesting links from outside sources . Many blogs publish a link roundup post once per week or once per month . By creating blog content segments that recur every week or month , you make planning your blog content much easier .
The various blog post types fall into categories that we cover in the following sections . If you create a lot of blog content , make sure to dog-ear this chapter and keep this book close to your work station . Try a few of the 57 blog post types described in this chapter and make one or two of them consistent segments in your editorial calendar .

Writing useful content

When people do research , they search for useful content on the Internet . They look for how-to guides , case studies , and resources that can help solve their problems , inspire them , or point them in the right direction . Writing content that is both free and useful endears you to your market and establishes you and your business as the authority in your niche . The following sections offer 13 types of useful blog post ideas that any brand can use .
List post
The list post is simply that , a list . Some may affectionately refer to it as a “ listicle .” A list post is one of the easiest to put together and can be very versatile . Not to mention that people just love lists — they ’ re helpful and quick to read . For your blog , create a list of books , tools , resources , or any other topic that your market finds useful and is also relevant to your call to action .
Typically , list posts have quick introductions and then get right to the body of the post . By their nature , list posts are text heavy , which can be intimidating to readers . Be sure to use images wherever you can , which helps to break up the text , making your post easier to read and more likely to be shared .
Case study post
The term case study carries more perceived value than the term article , blog post , or video . Case studies provide great detail and go beyond simple testimonials by showing real-life examples . Using case studies , you can highlight your successes in a way that helps you turn a prospective customer into a customer .
In the case study post , get specific and talk strategy . Outline and unpack the details of something , such as a project , event , or process . Tell your story from start to finish ,