Dear Readers,
Welcome to the June and final issue of the IT Magazine 2018-2019! We’re finally at the end,
and the International Tutors would like to congratulate everyone on a fantastic academic year.
We enjoyed learning, growing, and challenging ourselves alongside our students, and wish a
special congratulations to those who are graduating soon! You did it!
Connections are powerful things. They can link together people, ideas, parts of the world.
They can inspire us, make us search for answers, lift us up when we’re down, and help us grow
to our fullest potentials. The connections we have to the people we care about, to the global
issues that motivate us to work harder, even to something that seems small, like our favorite
childhood toy, all shape who we are each and every day.
In this issue, I invite you to explore various connections that exist in our lives. Aamenah
Khurram reports the International Tutors’ highly successful TEDxEdUHK event, which saw
people come together to explore many ideas about (DIS)CONNECTIONS. In her touching
piece “Intercultural Friendship”, Fan Qinxin shares how she made a new friend in a surprising
place. Highlighting the amazing biodiversity we can find even on our own campus, Ruby Chu
talks about connecting with nature in “Hong Kong in the City Nature Challenge”. Finally,
because this is the last issue of the academic year, the International Tutors share goodbye
messages and reflect on the treasured connections they’ve made during their time here.
It’s been a pleasure being the Editor of the IT Magazine 2018-2019. I’ve greatly enjoyed
working with students on their writing and creative skills and have learned a lot about EdUHK,
Hong Kong, and life in the process. I’d like to thank Drs. Pamela Leung and Jessie Choi for
their guidance and instructive input throughout the year, the International Tutors for their
support, and, most of all, every hardworking student who contributed to the Magazine this
year, from writers to interviewers to workshop reviewers. The Magazine would not have been
successful without all of your help and hard work.
Finally, I’d like to thank you, dear readers, for following and supporting the Magazine
throughout the year. I hope you all have wonderful summers, and return next year ready for a
new volume of the IT Magazine!
Noga Zaborowski