International Tutors' Magazine June 2019 | 页面 3

JUNE 2019 Ruby Chu is majoring in Chemistry and Biology. She loves diving and discovering everything she can about nature. Sometimes, her favorite thing to do is just relax and enjoy the perfect moment in her life! Fan Qinxin is a year 4 student majoring in English Education. She likes observing things happening around her and recording them through photography and writing. Capturing every meaningful moment, she always tries to make her life delightful. Aamenah Khurram is a freshman English and Education major with a passion for misplaced enthusiasm and a tendency to use SAT vocabulary words in day to day discourse. Bear with her, she is trying her best! Zhang Huibo is a regular at the ASLLC who loves talking about the world. Rachel Lai has recently evolved into a food PUNda (a foodie with one bad pun too many). Beatrice Chen Yanqian is a master’s student studying English education. CONTRIBUTORS’ PAGE 3